Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Healing Thorns

"To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassing great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me" (2 Corinthians 12:7).

It was 4:00 AM when a searing pain in my foot roused me from my restless slumber. Six days post surgery things were worsening instead of improving. The pain medication did little to dull what felt like a stake driven through my foot. Exhausted and scared that something was seriously misaligned I poured out my fears and begged God for relief. Three years I struggled on and off with foot pain praying God would heal me without surgery, but He didn't. Now that I had succumbed to the surgeon's hand I wanted no part of suffering. But the Lord had allowed this thorn to show me a great revelation that humbled my proud heart.

As tears streamed down my face I felt a stirring in my soul as the Holy Spirit brought to mind this profound truth--Jesus Christ understands. My prayers for a pain-free life suddenly turned to praises that Jesus knows what horrific pain feels like. I thanked my Savior that He endured much worse when a nail was driven through His perfect feet on the cross. I blessed Jesus for His willingness to suffer and that He comforts me in my pain whether it is physical or emotional. He gets it because He experienced it too!   

The Bible records the prophecy given to Isaiah about the Messiah hundreds of years before Jesus was born. "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5). Still think God doesn't care or relate to your pain? No other earthly king ever suffered out of love for his people as our heavenly King Jesus did. Knowing that Jesus cares and understands comforted me while my foot continued to throb.

Most days I live under the illusion that I can control events in my life until God allows suffering to remove conceit from my heart. My thorns have taken many forms over the years: financial hardship, devastating loss of a loved one, a barren womb and empty arms that longed for my own children. Even Jesus had His own thorns to bear as He prepared to be crucified for us sinners. "The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on His head" (John 19:2). As the Father weaves together thorns for our lives they can be transformed from a crown of shame to one of glory as we humbly submit to His will in thanksgiving.

The Apostle Paul also beckoned the Lord three times for relief from his thorn only to be told that God's grace was sufficient for him (2 Corinthians 12:9). The power of Almighty God was more visible in the sustaining of Paul under torment than if He had removed what tortured Paul. God's grace and strength enabled Paul to praise God while he was in pain. Recalling those Scriptures in my hour of need carried me through my own suffering as I praised God for His mercy and love.

Life is messy and it hurts. For some it's more painful than it is for others, but the challenge is always the same. When we reach a crossroad will we look to the cross and follow Jesus who heals the brokenhearted, or will we let the thorns that pierce our hearts drive a bitter wedge between us and God? I was fortunate. A doctor visit revealed my foot pain was caused by friction between the bandage and my wound. It had rubbed the skin raw. Applying balm and getting rest healed me within a few days. While I'm still recovering from surgery I am no longer experiencing intense pain.

What about you? Are you making regular appointments with the Great Physician, Jesus Christ, who can help you find relief and insight regarding the thorns in your life? Suffering hasn't been fun or easy but it led to my salvation and gave me compassion toward others in pain. Will you trust God to use your thorns to heal you spiritually if not physically? "To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassing great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me" (2 Corinthians 12:7).

Your fellow herald for Christ,
