Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Kisses from Heaven

"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants" (Deuteronomy 32:2).

Deuteronomy 32:2 is my prayer, my travel verse for 2013 on this misty New Years day in North Carolina. As I linger through the pages of God's Word my eyes feasted on these succulent words from the Song of Moses. Oh to be a blessing, a vessel used by Almighty God to nourish parched souls in this complicated world, that is my desire. But I can only share what His Spirit imparts in me (John 3:27) by drinking in His kisses from heaven.

What is a heavenly kiss?  It's an intimate touch from Jesus that satisfies our deepest cravings--to be loved, valued, and in communion with our Creator. A kiss is personal, involves close contact and is shared only by the two people participating in the encounter at that moment. It conveys love, worth and status. A kiss tells us we belong to the giver of the kiss; that we matter very much. Only people we hold close in our heart we kiss.

God sends us dew drops of His love in more ways than we can count. We see His passion displayed in creation (Romans 1:20) and that God's love is pure. Sadly, humans polluted and distorted God's design for love (Romans 1:21-27) and spawned a depraved generation still growing today. But there is still hope! Jesus, God in flesh, came to earth to show us the Father's love (John 1:14) for sinners. Want to know who the One true living God is? Look to His Son, Jesus (John 14:6-7). See and know how close God holds you in His heart!

In Christ you will find forgiveness, healing, love, salvation, meaning and more. God's Word, God Himself-- these are kisses from heaven that fall down like rain on thirsty souls, quenching the one who sits at the feet of His throne (Psalm 56:10-11).

"Father, I pray you will draw me near so I may know you in a deeper way. Kiss my soul with your love. Anoint my words to be a blessing to others for your glory." Amen. "Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants" (Deuteronomy 32:2).

Happy 2013!

Your fellow herald for Christ,
