Sunday, March 14, 2010

Glory Bound

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1).

Last Friday a close friend lost her nine-month battle with cancer. While we knew the end was inevitable, none of us expected it that particular day. She’d had a good week; I was looking forward to seeing her on Saturday. Two weeks earlier I’d booked a flight to New York where a planned gathering with our mutual girlfriends was scheduled for that afternoon. But it was not to be. The night before my flight the news we’d been dreading came calling. She’d had a seizure and never woke up. Her soul was glory bound.

This was my first experience helping a seriously ill friend prepare for heaven. In the weeks leading up to her departure I held nothing back with regard to spiritual matters. Praise God His Spirit prepared me and prompted me to share what He placed on my heart! While there have been moments of weeping these last few days, I’m filled with great peace because she is with her Lord and Savior.

In the home of one of our girlfriends we assembled to share photos, stories, laughter and tears over the loss of our friend. What a blessing to have these special relationships that were formed in our childhood years. Of the twelve of us she was the first to die, and yet I know she is more alive now than she has ever been. She’s seen God! How I wish I could get her commentary on that meeting, but one day that sweet conversation will take place.

Before leaving my friends to return to my family, one of the girls asked me to lead the group in prayer. Standing side-by-side hand-in-hand we offered praise to the Father for His glorious abundant blessings. We thanked Him for mercifully taking our friend peacefully and with dignity. Those who witnessed her death saw no suffering. She is now healed and whole in heaven, and we grieve with hope of the reunion we’ll have with her there. This separation is only temporary.

As we slowly resume our daily routines now that her funeral has passed, I smile as I see Jesus at work. We watched a loved one die, but in reality we have learned how to really live. Grace abounds, forgiveness is more easily granted, broken relationships are healing, and people are examining their faith walk. It’s all good and it’s all because of God.

For those who have believed in salvation by Christ alone, we are gifted by His Holy Spirit to display His love and glory. In Him our earthly life takes on new meaning and we find joy even in sorrow. What a privilege to be used by Jesus to offer true and lasting hope to a hurting world as we invite others to join the glory bound. “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1).

Your fellow sojourner,
