Sunday, September 27, 2009

You Will Find Me in the Garden

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38).

September is one of my favorite months--a time to welcome the harvest season as we savor the last kiss of summer. All my life, September represented change. It was the start of each new school year, the month I moved from familiar surroundings to begin anew elsewhere, and the month I got married. September generally finds me full of life and energy; welcoming the new beginnings I have been afforded. This year, however, some events feel more like endings. The season of plenty has been shaken up; I question what seeds I have been sowing in life’s garden.

The first jolt struck after our San Francisco trip. Prior to vacation there were three recruiters in my corporate job, whittled down from eight this spring. Last Monday I discovered I would be working solo. Grateful for a paycheck but upset over logging in fifty-hour weeks; I feel completely depleted. I want to write, want to do my Bible study, respond to social invitations all without labeling these another “project” I have a deadline to complete. The under tow of life’s current is strong right now. I have to fight to breath in God’s truth that sustains me. As if this news wasn’t challenging enough, another wave came that toppled my spirit.

A loved one is drowning financially and spiritually. My husband and I have been one of God’s lifelines for them over the last four years, supporting them in prayer, monies, words, and temporary shelter. There have been glimmers of hope along the way when employment filled the gap, but it never lasted. Neither has love for this individual. They are alone and getting harder to reach despite our best efforts. They tell us they have all but given up on life and anything good happening. Bankruptcy is in their future, and we are deeply saddened. I found myself grieving the last week or so, wondering why this torture continues to haunt our lives. I know God loves this person more than I do, yet I am conflicted over why someone I have battled for is sinking deeper. Through tearful eyes I read my Bible and wait for the Lord to answer, and then He does.

At present, God does not give me insight into why these events are happening. He only promises me peace that comes when I trust in Him, and that He is longing to gather others into His family. Surely the Lord can do this without my help. He is Almighty and needs no one. But He has asked me as His child to join Him in this task, and harvesting requires action. Taking my focus off my feelings and listening for God’s voice, I hear a stirring in my soul that has emboldened me to share His love with others like never before. With my co-workers I reveal I am praying for them, and that God will be their protection in this storm. People seem more open to hear these words of hope because they are disillusioned by the empty promises of man. In all of the brokenness of life Jesus is making a way for His light to sign into dark lives. Although I may not feel like it, He assures me I am one of His small lanterns.

As I pray for and minister to my loved one who needs a spiritual and financial miracle, I sense God asking me to have faith that He will answer my pleas. He is not guaranteeing bankruptcy for this person will be avoided, but that He can use these tragedies for good. My greatest desire is to walk beside those I love in heaven with Jesus forever. My joy is not complete in knowing I am saved when my heart’s burden is so heavy for those who are lost.

Looking out my window I see a rose bush filled with tiny pink blossoms. This variety is a fairy rose with petite petals and flowers. It blooms in every season here, and thrives in the worst of drought. Gazing upon its beauty I have often overlooked the fact that this delicate flower is surrounded by thorns, yet never stops growing and glorifying its Creator. This is where I want to be found, working alongside God cultivating His garden. With Christ’s help the thorns of life cannot choke out the beauty of His light in me. All is not in vain. Jesus at work in me will produce a great heavenly harvest where the eternal rewards are spectacular. That’s the best workforce I could be a part of! Care to join us? “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38).

Your fellow sojourner,


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Narrow Golden Gate

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

Fresh from our weekend trip to San Francisco, my husband and I are reliving the experience in our daily conversations with friends and strangers alike. We are excited to share our adventure when the opportunity arises; lingering in the memory of the beauty our senses absorbed. It was our first visit to that part of California, and we discovered places that area natives rarely see. One particular jewel was Muir Woods located twenty minutes north of San Francisco. It truly is God’s cathedral adorned with giant redwoods towering gracefully towards the heavens. This was our favorite spot followed by the famed Golden Gate Bridge. It was there that the Father taught me a lesson about faith.

At first glance, we could not see the cables that supported the bridge. Everything was covered in a thick fog that made walking across the bridge seem treacherous. The wind was blowing, the surface below us shook, and visibility was no more than a few feet ahead of us. It was like walking in the middle of a cloud, and I was disappointed. Snapping photos of my husband leaning over the bridge gave the illusion he was high on top of a mountain with no vision of the earth and water below him. We’d looked forward to this trip for weeks; now it appeared we wouldn’t see the magnificent cable structure of the bridge. The fog was just too thick.

Should we keep walking, or should we turn around like so many others before us had? Part of us wanted to relinquish, but our instincts told us not to. This would be our only chance to see the Golden Gate Bridge as we were driving to Monterey the following morning. If we remained patient maybe we’d see the skies clear, even if only for a minute. I clutched our camera close to me, hoping to see the sun burn away the clouds. I didn’t want to risk missing a chance to capture a glimpse of this engineering marvel.

Suddenly, the vision we’d hoped for appeared as the sunlight peaked through the clouds. I looked up and saw the orange bridge tower and cable structure through the haze. “There it is!” I shouted to Jon, who lifted his eyes too. The fog continued to tease us as it covered and revealed the bridge in short intervals. Like a dance we were part of but not controlling, our footsteps moved in rhythm to the wind, and we walked on in great anticipation of another view. Going half-way or turning around was no longer an option. We were in it for the duration of the adventure.

Minutes later the blue sky defeated the fog and the city of San Francisco could be seen from the bridge. Gazing on the ocean hundreds of feet below us, we took pictures of the scenery from every vantage point available. We’d crossed over to the sunny side of the bridge and were reaping the rewards of persistence! As we turned to retrace our steps back towards the car, we entered the fog once more. It was then I felt the Lord teaching me how to walk through the narrow gate of faith He’d constructed. The parallels between the fog on the Golden Gate Bridge and lack of clarity we experience in our daily faith walk became all too clear.

When circumstances blind my vision of the future will I retreat in fear or press on believing God will be my guide? When the winds of change shake the foundation under my feet, will I keep walking confidently trusting Jesus to support me just as I trusted the Golden Gate Bridge cables? Will I choose the narrow path that leads to eternal life believing what the Bible says regardless of how clouded life appears? Or will I back away and give up pursuing a deeper relationship with Christ because it seems too mysterious? Do I need proof God is faithful before I will follow Him without question into the mist? My prayer is for God to strengthen my faith and trust in Him alone, replacing what my easily fooled senses tell me.

All I cannot see is more real than everything my eyes behold daily. Heaven is merely beyond the fog of earth. I do not want to walk through the clear wide gate that offers knowledge without eternal hope. I pray to stay close to my King; letting Him help me walk through the clouds of uncertainty. I do not need to understand why something is temporarily blocked from my view. I only desire to know, with the eyes of my heart, that I’m walking through the narrow golden gate towards heaven’s front door, where Jesus welcomes me in. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

Your fellow sojourner,


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Continually Blessed

“May the Lord continually bless you with heaven’s blessings as well as with human joys” (Psalm 128:5).
NOTE: This photo was taken on September 5, 2009 in Hanging Rock State Park, NC by Jon's oldest daughter.
On September 7th Jon and I will celebrate seven years of marriage. Each year the anniversary carries a deeper meaning as we reflect on God’s providence. It’s a time of anticipation of what lies ahead, as we see how far God’s grace has carried us through the seasons. Hardship and happiness all roll into one beautiful tapestry that our Creator is designing. God’s blessings continue to amaze us as we acknowledge this marriage takes three of us to succeed.

You see, I was a bride before I met Jon. That Man was my first love, and it’s critical that I run to Him daily for wholeness, guidance and mercy. He’s selfless. In fact, He longs to be shared! This Man prepared Jon and me to be good to each other, long before we met. It brings Him great joy to see our human relationships flourish. He is eager to help. What a miracle it is that loving two men can create such harmony in my life.

This can only happen because Jesus is no ordinary man. He is the incarnation of God the Father, fully man and fully divine. Every year I celebrate the anniversary of our union in November. It is no less precious to me than my September wedding day shared with Jon. What a beautiful example of heaven’s blessings and human joys working in unison! Both involve trust, love and a life-long commitment to discovery. We never stop learning about each other, and finding new ways to grow closer.

Being saved while I was single was a great gift. God had my undivided attention, and could shape my heart for the mission He had planned for me. He taught me how to pray for the qualities a godly husband should have, and gave me discernment in my dating relationships. Until I gave Jesus control over the choice of my future mate, my selections were always second rate. Any joy I felt was superficial and fleeting. He filled my empty soul, and satisfied my deepest longing for acceptance. This took the pressure off of any human man to eradicate the hunger in me that only God can fulfill.

While life will always contain a compilation of experiences, earthly pleasures are short-lived. However, the blessings derived from our unity in Christ are eternal. As much as Jon and I love each other, we cannot guarantee we will always be there for one another. Humans disappoint. Death claims all of us one day, leaving loved ones behind. God is the one Person who never abandons us. This truth brings me such comfort! It is just one of the many constant blessings the Lord bestows on believers. Heavenly bliss is truly everlasting.

Celebrating the sacredness of my marriage to Jon is always overshadowed by the realization that I belong to Jesus too. No matter what our situation—single, married, divorced, widowed, there is a greater love available to each of us. All we need to do is R.S.V.P. with a resounding “yes!” to the wedding feast our King invites us to attend. Don’t delay your reply; won’t you join Him at the table reserved for His family members? Come celebrate this eternal anniversary with your Savior. “May the Lord continually bless you with heaven’s blessings as well as with human joys” (Psalm 128:5).
Your fellow sojourner,


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Prayer Gift Letter for My Friend

I wrote this letter for my friend who is terminally ill. Her name has been removed from the letter to protect her confidence. A special "thank you" to Lee Merrill who introduced me to "Prayer Gifts" at the Proverbs 31 She Speaks 2008 conference. The blessing lives on, Lee!

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:10 NIV).

Father, the moment I heard of my friend’s illness you spoke these words to me in prayer. I know that you wanted me to share this truth with her, this verse is for her. Please help her to see that it is a special love letter from you; meant to bring her comfort each time she meditates on these words.

Dear friend, I pray you always remember that Jesus loves you. He is right beside you holding you up before the Father. He is your greatest intercessor—He continually prays for you before the throne of grace! You are not alone. If you listen with your heart you can feel God strengthening you for this journey you are on. It is not an easy road. He knows that. You can depend on Him to walk beside you, and to provide all that you need.

May you rest assured that you are surrounded by heavenly angels when you least expect them, and most need them. Sometimes they will be angels with skin on in the form of family and friends. Other days they will be invisible to your eyes, but not your senses. I pray the knowledge of their presence ministering to your soul brings you peace.

Thank you, Father, for watching over all the affairs of my friend's life. Help her to trust in your faithfulness and all-sufficient power. Give her a special revelation of your love for her, and help her to lean on you for guidance in all her decisions. Bestow on her a peace that surpasses all human comprehension.

I praise you for her life and place my friend in your loving hands, knowing you love her deeply.

Mary Singer Wick