Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tell Jesus Thank You

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

It was an “out of the boat” moment; one I had been praying for. But when it arrived I almost let it pass out of fear. Stepping forward in faith is often much easier to talk about than live out, especially when others are watching you. My first reaction, when talking to a dying friend long distance as a mutual friend placed her cell phone on speaker, was to play it safe; not rock the boat of anyone’s spiritual convictions. After all, who am I to cast judgment on her faith? It’s not polite to seek assurance of her salvation, is what my mind was saying. But isn’t that what real love does? Shouldn’t I share the truth of Christ’s penalty for our sins so those who believe this will be guaranteed a place in heaven with Him? Now or never had arrived and I had a choice to make.

The call with my friend was pre-arranged the day before. My friend is losing her ability to speak and write. She’s dying of brain cancer. Knowing friends would be visiting her on Wednesday, the time was set for me to call one of the women’s cell phone. After a restless night with little sleep, I felt a strong urging to pray with her on the phone. Hours before the call I said, “Lord, you calmed the raging seas when you walked on water. Surely you can calm the storm that rages in my girlfriend’s head, even for a little while”. Simple as that prayer was, it carried a big request. My friend had not been able to make complete sentences for a week. In my hour of need I was asking for a miracle—the ability for her to understand me and me to understand her.

When I dialed the number I had no idea what I would find on the other end. Each day brings many changes in my friend’s condition. The cancer is spreading rapidly. My girlfriend, whose cell number I was calling, had offered to be the mediator as she held up her phone on speaker. A third girlfriend introduced herself, so now there were four of us connected. Nervously I said hello to my dying friend. To my delight a beautiful exchange of words took place between us. I was able to tell her I loved her and she replied in kind. What joy! But God told me I wasn’t done yet.

In an instant, I asked if it would be alright if I prayed with her. She muffled “yes” along with my girlfriend’s utterance of “go for it, Mare” setting the stage. Fumbling at first, I felt the Holy Spirit guiding me out of my comfort zone. Suddenly I was speaking as He directed. Recently my friend had slyly interjected into a sentence that she would put in a good word for me. This statement came on the heels of her latest MRI results—the tumor was growing and time was running out. I did not initially understand what she meant. Then it hit me. She was offering to put in a good word for me when she went to heaven.

There was no time to waste. Jesus had given me this chance to share Scriptures with her, and to tell her something precious. “When you get to heaven tell Jesus I said thank you”. As the cell phone owner began to speak she couldn’t contain her excitement. She hadn’t seen our sick friend so lucid and able to complete a sentence until this exchange. Praise God for this moment! He’d taken my trembling spirit and walked beside me that day. I felt as if I were really in that hospital room hundreds of miles away.

In this season of grief I am learning from death how to really live. I want to have more moments like Peter did—scared but willing to step out of the boat into the raging water where only complete dependency on Christ can uphold me. As I make this journey, I am comforted by the reality that God wants to bring glory to His name through all who are willing to trust and obey. What a treasure to be able to share with my friends that for all who love Jesus the best is yet to come. I’m still telling God “thank you” for this story, and for the gift of eternal life. Are you? “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Your fellow sojourner,


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Overindulgence Encouraged

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him” (Psalm 34:8).

Six weeks post New Years Eve, how are your resolutions going? Did your list include trimming back on unnecessary expenses in order to live more fiscally balanced? What about your diet? Are you eating less but still not healthy? Were you like me; feeling undernourished and over stimulated after the holidays? Has the thought of consuming anything sweet lost its appeal? Have you abandoned those well-crafted goals and reverted to overspending and overeating just in time for today’s Super Bowl parties? Maybe it’s time to go to a place where overindulgence is encouraged. Care to join me?

As I wrote the goals and dreams in January I hoped to accomplish in 2010, I did something different this year. I prayed for God to give me a list that reveals what He wants to do through me and in me. In years past I’d make the list without consulting Him; then pray for His help to fulfill my desires. I had it backwards. God does not exist to serve me, but I to serve Him. His plans are perfectly designed to transform me into the image of His Son. In the end, following God’s resolutions will find me happier than checking off a self-constructed list of items I hope to experience one day.

Asking Jesus to help me formulate my list, I held nothing back as He encouraged overindulgence of Him. God wants me to spend as much time as possible feasting on the tenderness of His words written to satisfy every hunger soul. God never says to us, “You’ve had enough of Me, Mary. Go away and stop grabbing one more morsel of truth from my Scriptures. You’ve prayed so much you are overflowing to maximum capacity.” On the contrary! God is always offering us more of Himself without limitation.

Of all the sweetness that life’s pleasures hold, there is none as satisfying as the love of my Lord. God is always willing I partake in the bounty of His presence. The Bible is full of God’s delightful recipes that are blessings for our lives beyond anything we can create ourselves. My desire for the rest of my days is to fill my palate with all that the Father wants to give me. The Scriptures are a paradox of delicacies that quench my deepest longings while leaving me hungry and thirsty for more. What a treat!

Won’t you come to the table the Lord has prepared for you to sample His goodness and mercy? It’s the place where sinners are welcome and forgiveness is granted when hearts are repentant and surrendered to Christ. His soul-food menu is an all-you-can-eat buffet, and your bill has been paid with His shed blood. Jesus extends the invitation to everyone to accept His sacrificial payment, but you can’t join this feast until you respond with heartfelt thanks.

One taste of His heavenly sustenance will find you increasing your helping size. You will joyfully discover He delights when we overindulge on all His offerings. We cannot be overweight in the goodness of God, only underweight if we push ourselves away from the table believing we’ve had enough. No need to worry about portion control—keep asking for more! God is a generous giver and wants His children to be well fed. “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him” (Psalm 34:8).

Your fellow sojourner,
