Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hark the Herald People Sing

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, as you are in me and I am in you” (John 17:20-21).

The following is an excerpt from a women's event (Holidays Fit For the King) I spoke at in November.

As God’s girl, do you ever think of yourself as His herald to the world? The angels were first to declare His birth, then the shepherds spread the news after they heard the story. As Christ’s disciples now it’s our turn.

Being God’s herald may intimidate you, but did you know Jesus prays for us, our ministries and He is with us? Shortly before His crucifixion John 17:20-21 quotes Jesus, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, as you are in me and I am in you.”

Christ’s last words before He ascended to heaven in Matthew 28:19-20 were “go and tell—make disciples of all the nations—I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Jesus isn’t the Savior of “some” people. He’s for “all” people. The Nativity scene was very diverse. No one who drew near to Jesus was turned away. The poor shepherds and the rich wise men alike were welcome. The message is still the same.

If you died today would go to heaven? What makes you think you are good enough? If you were standing side-by-side with Jesus before our Holy Heavenly Father which one of you would be acceptable? Romans 3:22-24 says: “This Righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

We can joyfully celebrate Christmas because of Easter. The good news is not that Santa Claus is coming to town but that the Messiah was born in Bethlehem; He died for our sins, rose from the dead, is reigning in heaven and is coming back for His church!

As believers in Christ we are united in Spirit with Him. He has made His home in our hearts. We are His ambassadors, here to reflect His message. I pray we exude so much joy and kindness that people will ask us the reason for our hope in these trying economic times. May we smile and say we are thinking of Jesus; we’re too blessed by His love to be stressed by this life. Hark the herald people sing glory to the new born King! Go and tell sisters. Go and tell. Merry Christmas!

Your fellow sojourner and herald for Jesus,


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Too Blessed to Be Stressed: Keeping Your Joy

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17).

Praising God for all the bounty He has bestowed on us through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Please visit my web site listed below to hear a 15-minute presentation on "Too Blessed to Be Stressed: Keeping Your Joy".

Have a great Thanksgiving celebration!

Your fellow sojourner,

Mary Singer Wick

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Venetian Blinds on My Heart

"Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives tales, rather, train yourselves to be godly" (I Timothy 4:7).

As we floated serenely on Venice's grand canal one warm summer evening, a gondolier told us the history of Venetian blinds. Blinds were added to the gondolas centuries ago to conceal the activities of the occupants inside. Venetians were known for their torrid love affairs that produced many illegitimate children. A crisis arose when the children of these unwed unions filled the local orphanages beyond capacity. Their vain attempts to hide their indiscretions was exposed; they could no longer deny the truth.

In an attempt to control the adulterous behavior, Venetian blinds were banded from all gondolas. The ordnance still stands today. But Venetians, like so many of us, became more clever in their disguises. They created lovely masks to cover their faces, assuming anonymity would allow them to cover their sins. As long as no one knew their identity, they felt free to parade their affairs in public without fear of consequence.

It wasn't that long ago I would have fit in well with the Venetians of today. My heart had its own set of blinds on it--shielding my heart to godly truth so I could remain in my sinful ways. I wore my own facial facade of a smile that hid the pain of the shame I bore for my own unholy unions. Wanting so much to be loved, I often settled for men who didn't really love me. Our relationships were as fleeting and meaningless as those Italian love affairs. I followed the myths and wives tales of the day, always leading me astray.

But Jesus saw through my sin and hurt, and lifted the blinds from the eyes of my heart. As I saw my sins forgiven beneath the cross of His sacrifice, I no longer hid from God. My heart was open to be loved and healed, so I could learn to love others as God intended. My relationship with my husband is pure, even though we are imperfect creatures. Praise Jesus we are His!

There is a new set of blinds on my life these days. It's one that shields me from evil, not closes out the light from heaven. It's the Word of God that keeps me safe, and helps me steer clear of superstitious myths and ungodly beliefs. As forgiven sinners, we no longer have to wear masks. Jesus has removed the shame of our sin and covered us with His radiance. We are still learning to tap into His light that makes us glow as we train ourselves to be godly. What's under your mask? What have you placed your faith in that is unholy? Will you let God remove and replace it? "Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives tales, rather, train yourselves to be godly" (I Timothy 4:7).

Your fellow sojourner,


Friday, September 30, 2011

Deep Love

"Love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins" I Peter 4:8.

Remembering how deeply Christ loves me and extending that love to my husband as we celebrate our 9th anniversary this September.

Thanking God for blessing us beyond measure!

Praying you know the love of Jesus in your heart that enables you to love deeply. "Love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins" I Peter 4:8.

Your fellow sojourner,


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Alone Together

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31).

Ever notice when your body is tired your spiritual zeal soon wanes? We make our plans to faithfully serve God when opportunities arise, but human limitations stifle our loftiest ambitions. The daily demands of life press in on all sides squeezing energy from us. Everywhere is a need so great beyond our capacity to satisfy. Fear grips us; we want to refuse when we sense we should help. Secretly we question “Lord, how can you ask more of me when I’ve exhausted my body, my finances, my time, etc…?” In the midst of depravity Jesus calls us to a place of serenity, alone together with Him, just as He did with His disciples long ago.

Life on the mission field with Jesus was always busy, but this season was exceptionally challenging for His disciples. Twelve were recently chosen as His Apostles. Christ granted them authority to heal the sick, drive out demons, and preach the gospel of repentance. Enthusiasm was high as they stepped out in faith eager to obey their Lord. Then mourning struck. John the Baptist was beheaded. Scattered, they regrouped to bury the body and to comfort each other. They had witnessed many miracles for those whose faith in Jesus was strong, but never a death until now. Following Christ was serious and costly.

Drained and hungry they huddled around Jesus, relaying stories of what they had done on their mission trips. Perhaps they were seeking encouragement for their weary souls; craving their Master’s delightful response. Bodily needs soon took precedence. Now all they wanted was a good meal and a nap! But as they looked around a crowd of five thousand was gathering, and they were hungry too. Sensing the disciple’s need for refreshment before they could serve, Jesus pulled them away alone with Him.

Have you expanded so much of yourself you need a break? God understands! Slip away for some quiet rest alone together with Jesus. Devour the savory morsels of Scripture whether in big or small bits. Let Him nourish your spirit as He did His disciples. Who knows how many hungry souls you will feed when Christ invigorates and equips you? “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31).

Your fellow sojourner,


Monday, July 4, 2011

Walking in Enemy Territory

When I said, "My foot is slipping, your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul" (Psalm 94:18-19).

It was his first deployment. Young, confident and naive, he treads gingerly on foreign soil. As a sniper, this was the mission he’d been trained for; he wasn’t supposed to be scared. Yet the weight of his rifle was no match for the heaviness in his heart. This was no drill; he was walking in enemy territory.

Adrenaline propelled him forward deeper into the treacherous landscape. His mind was racing as he silently thought, “How did I end up here?” Before his voluntary enlistment many had warned him to forgo this path. Strong and proud, he set forth in motion the choices that led him here. It was too late to turn back now. Immersed in war he had to face it.

Danger surrounded him as he pressed his boot into the muddy terrain unaware of the IED buried beneath the surface. It was no secret he was walking in a landmine, but he always believed he would be safe. In an instant his reality was shattered. With a loud explosion and a mighty force, he was thrust into the air landing hard in a field several feet from his last step. His vision temporarily blurred by the dirt and sweat in his eyes he mustered the courage to gaze at his feet, hoping the pain he felt was a good sign.

Miraculously, he had survived intact! The IED only partially detonated because of the soggy ground it was buried in. His physical injuries would bring him back to America for healing; they were not life threatening. He would walk again. However, this brush with death had scarred him in other ways. He battles post traumatic stress syndrome. Those wounds are not as quick to heal, but they may be the ones that lead him to rely on Jesus for restoration.

Have you wandered into spiritual enemy territory feeling so sure footed you can handle the opposition? Turn back now! Discernment comes when we spend time in God’s Word and in prayer. It is the surest way to avoid experiencing the post traumatic stress of sin. Look to Jesus for protection. He is the most powerful weapon against evil there is. When I said, "My foot is slipping, your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul" (Psalm 94:18-19).

Your fellow sojourner,


Monday, May 30, 2011

The Pretty Gene

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14).

Does a glance through a fashion magazine or trying on clothes at the mall bring you down? You’re in good company. The message conveyed is always the same, “If you aren’t this skinny, sexy or swanky you’re not lovable.” Advertisers masterfully perpetrate a standard so few will achieve while convincing us to spend mega bucks trying.

We’re brain washed into believing if we become sculpted airbrushed models we’ll be happy because being you is miserable. Discouraged we numb our sadness with a pint of our favorite ice cream while watching mindless television. “If only I’d been born with the pretty gene”, we tell ourselves. Guess what? You were!

The God of all creation and the lover of your soul formed you for a unique purpose. Your DNA is like no other; and no one body shape or size is superior in God’s eyes. His plan for the person whose body is racked with disease is just as perfect as the fastest Olympic runner. We waste precious time and energy trying to be the carbon copy of someone we idolize instead of the best version of ourselves. The Father doesn’t want us to wallow in self-preoccupation and self-deprecation. There is a better way.

Look to Jesus for your self-worth, not the mixed messages of a fickle fallen world. Fashion statements come and go, but God’s Word stands firm forever. Write down Scriptures that tell of His love for you, and that He sees you as beautiful in His sight. Meditate on His promises and know in your heart that what God says about you is true, not what mankind says.

Whether you are a “stick chick” who gracefully wears the latest skinny jeans, or a delicious “curvalicious” gal who has never owned anything labeled skinny in her life, ask Jesus to help you believe that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. Pray for a balanced perspective on taking care of your body, and a vision about the life God created you for. He will heal your insecurities if you lean on Him daily. As God’s born again babe all your beauty secrets are in the Bible. It contains your spiritual makeup but you have to apply it. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14).

Your fellow sojourner,


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Borrowed Happiness

“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and out stretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you” (Jeremiah 32:17).

The following post is an excerpt from my Amazon bestseller, My Heart’s Desire: A Journey Toward Finding Extravagant Love.

Thirty-nine, single, with a fast-ticking biological clock; I wasn’t prepared for a threat to my fertility. For years I had borrowed the happiness of my friends who were moms, rejoicing in their pregnancy and child rearing tales while imagining my own. Fit and a born cheerleader, I was the one people looked to for diet and exercise advice coupled with encouragement. But my confidence evaporated when my doctor said, “You have several tumors and should consider a hysterectomy”. Life as I’d known it was about to change.

As tears flooded my eyes thoughts careened around my dazed mind. Barren, cursed, infertile, were these dreaded words my new title? This isn’t supposed to happen to me. I’d make a great wife and mom! Where is God? Is He mad at me? Frightened and alone I didn’t care that the odds were against me. Deciding to fight the conventional wisdom that I should sanction this drastic surgical measure, I chose a natural and holistic approach. Miracles happen all the time; maybe I’ll be healed if I direct enough positive energy to the right channels of my body. It’s my body; I’m in control!

Over the next four years I embarked on a self-directed path of physical restoration. I had no idea this road of sorrow and pain was God’s route for my soul’s salvation. Constantly I questioned my fate. How could I ever be happy if I’m single and childless? Don’t I deserve to have my heart’s desire? Haven’t I done more good than evil in my life? Why would God torture me if He loves me? My performance oriented people pleaser brain believed God would reward me if I “behaved well”; I had no peace. Convinced the greatest tragedy I could suffer was a solo existence, I made marriage and motherhood an idol to be worshiped and praised above all else.

Life was a treadmill of activities and rituals designed to earn God’s favor in return for answered prayers. With no husband in sight, my resolve waned as my stomach bulged under the weight of the fast-growing tumors. Exhausted from emotionally holding up myself I waved my flag of surrender and stepped down from my throne. Collapsing into the arms of Jesus my healing would come, but not in a way that fit my paradigms. It wasn’t what I expected, but it was exactly what I needed. “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and out stretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you” (Jeremiah 32:17).

Your fellow sojourner,


Monday, April 25, 2011

Bright Monday

“I tell you the truth, whoever hears my Word and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life” (John 5:24).

What a bright Monday it is as we continue celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The grave could not hold Him as He passed over from physical death into eternal life. Our great hope as Christians is this truth—we will join our Passover Lamb in heaven one day. His death sealed our life and citizenship in His kingdom. What joy to know we who believe in Jesus are forgiven of our sins!

The world outside my window is filled with signs of new birth. Azaleas, geraniums and mandevilla adorn our yard. Soon the peonies, roses and hydrangeas will bloom. Baby birds excitedly chirp in the holly tree by our porch. Spring, with all its grandeur, is only a glimpse into the beauty the new Earth will reflect when Jesus returns to reign. Death used to grip me with fear, but no more. Jesus took away all my anxiety, and I cannot wait to cross over to see where He lives with His Father. Then I will be truly alive!

Let the peace of the Messiah fill your heart each day as you pray to Him. He will fill you with His love; for no one understands your pain better than Jesus. With such a bright future ahead of us, we can’t remain sad for long. “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my Word and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life” (John 5:24).

Check out this video depicting Christ's resurrection:

Your fellow sojourner,


Monday, April 4, 2011

Ordinary Beautiful People

“He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him” (Isaiah 53:2).

Ask anyone who the most desirable people are and the top choices will include celebrities in various professions. Being beautiful or “hot” is America’s national obsession. We spend vast resources pickling, pruning and pampering our bodies seeking the applause of admirers. Youth must be preserved at all cost. What a heavy price our souls have paid that far outweighs the damage to our purse.

Instead of believing what God says about beauty, we have embraced Satan’s lie that if we are not rich, thin and gorgeous we’re rejects. Competition is fierce; standards keep rising along with our fear of not measuring up. Drifting away from God’s love, it’s no wonder we feel like castaways stranded on an island of despair.

There’s nothing wrong with being attractive. God is not anti-beauty. While He does not advocate gluttony and abuse of our bodies, our physical appearance does not determine our value to God. Scripture tells us Jesus was average looking. It wasn’t His dazzling wardrobe and handsome face that turned heads when He walked the streets of Jerusalem. It was the brilliance of His soul; the warm inner light of God’s love that penetrated the hearts of broken people.

Unlike the world, Jesus concentrates on internal makeovers. He takes lowly sinners and transforms them into His glorious servants. Mother Teresa exemplified this. In June, 1995 I was overwhelmed by Christ’s love bursting from her as I watched her speak in Newton, MA. She was God’s princess; lovelier than any beauty queen. Her broken English prayer was more eloquent than the finest orator’s speech.

Some of the most attractive people have calloused faces but glowing hearts. God’s finger has erased the guilt lines of their sins. They are not plain or unnoticed in God’s eyes. Are you in search of eternal beauty that improves with age? Christ’s heart-lift outperforms any physician’s face-lift. Our extraordinary God specializes in making ordinary people beautiful. Give your life to Jesus who understands your struggle. You don’t need to strive to win his affection. He desires to lavish you with His love. “He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him” (Isaiah 53:2).

Your fellow sojourner,


Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Really Big House

“In my Father’s house are many room; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:2-3).

“Pack your bags; be ready to go when I return for you and help your mother take care of the family farm. I’m going to find a new home in a new world for all of us.” Parting words my great-great-grandfather uttered as he set sail from Italy for America. Leaving behind a scared family with no guarantee of his safe passage, he must have thought it was worth the risk. Longing to escape the poverty they would inherit if he stayed on familiar turf, he followed the message of hope a trusted friend had shared about America; changing the course of his family’s history.

After establishing himself as a farmer in America, he bought a large house on several acres of land. Beginning in 1902, he traveled back to Italy each time escorting another family member safely to America. After arriving with the last of his children in 1913 they never set foot in their homeland again. They eagerly embraced their new dwelling and thanked their loving father who, by God’s grace, had fulfilled his promise. At last they were all together in a place prepared especially for them!

As Jesus prepared His disciples for His earthly departure to His heavenly home, He encouraged them with words of assurance. He promised He would make ready their room in His Father’s house, He would come back to get them, and with Him they would live. These blessed words of truth continue to give hope to all Christ’s followers. The master carpenter loves us so much that He’s custom designing our new dwelling with Him.

Is your faith in Christ’s purchase of your safe passage home? God has many rooms in His really big house. Is your name on one of them? Change your family history. Ask Jesus to live in your heart today so you can live with Him forever. Then invite others to join God’s family of believers who trust in the sacrifice of His Son. He loves new additions. “In my Father’s house are many room; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:2-3).

Your fellow sojourner,


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Who is in Control?

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

“God is My Co-pilot” the catchy bumper sticker read with a crucifix beside those words. Sounding so clever and right, why did it make me feel uneasy? If God is my co-pilot that means I’m still in charge, or does it? Longing to silence the discussion in my head, I looked up the meaning of co-pilot in the dictionary. Here’s what is said, “A qualified pilot who assists or relieves the pilot but is not in command.” Uh oh, sounds like that bumper sticker needs a rewrite!

Have you ever made a decision without consulting God first that left you stranded and begging for help? So often I run ahead of Jesus with all my dreams of grandeur asking Him to bless my plans when the ride gets too bumpy. I have reduced God to some roadside assistance genie that exists to smooth out trouble spots instead of seeking His will in prayer. Without realizing it, I had switched places and made myself God’s co-pilot. What a frightening thought!

Our imaginations can take us on a wild ride, but not always to places God wants us to go. To reach the destination He created us for, we need to read God’s roadmap and follow His directions. Reading the Bible and praying for God’s instruction will keep you from running off course. “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps” (Proverbs 16:9).

Do not fear giving Jesus control to drive the all-terrain vehicle of your life. Ask Him to show you which way to go before you set out on your daily trip. Abide and listen for His voice; then follow the path in obedience He designed for you. He will empower you to accomplish His plans for your life. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Your fellow sojourner,


Monday, February 7, 2011

More Than We Can Handle

“I will lift my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1-2).

Crushed in spirit by an unexpected crisis, I broke down in tears. How much more can I handle, God? My already full plate shattered when the news that a family member was in serious trouble was heaped upon it. It was the kind of trouble I was powerless to fix. Looking for encouragement from friends their cavalier response, “You’re strong, have faith, God won’t give you more than you can handle” made me want to scream in rebuttal. Can you relate?

Does God give us more than we can handle? I believe He does. Is it because God is unsympathetic and delights in seeing us suffer? No, it’s because He wants us to surrender the problem to Him for help. Have you ever posed the question of God’s goodness and mercy to your friends only to receive a reply that made you feel more discouraged and alienated? We interpret this as unfair when Jesus allows comments from well-meaning friends to baffle and frustrate us. But if we probe the Scriptures we begin to see that the Lord longs to be our greatest source of comfort.

Honestly, if we could solve all our problems ourselves, or by following the advice of others, why would we need God’s help? As life clutters our minds we forget we were created to know God, to love God, and to worship Him. Often it takes a “beyond our control” situation to bring us to our knees in prayer. Jesus is not being cruel when He allows trouble to befall us. He’s using it to draw us near to Him because He is the one person who will never abandon us.

God who is perfect created us for human relationships, but we are all imperfect beings. None of us can adequately meet anyone’s needs no matter how much we love them. It’s not that we shouldn’t seek human advice, but what happens if that person cannot help, or they die? Are we left without counsel or comfort? No, because God is all powerful and everlasting. That is why we seek Christ first. Sometimes He speaks to us through others, but always He talks to us through His Word.

Learning to trust in the Lord takes time and practice. If you spend time talking with God about life’s heartaches you will find the peace you are seeking, even if the problem hasn’t been resolved. Psalm 121:8 says, “The Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore.” He can and will handle whatever you give Him.

Your fellow sojourner,


Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year’s Day Everyday

“You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new” (Leviticus 26:10).

People gravitate toward something new. Simply fill in the blank after the word “new” and our ears perk up. Has your life really changed that much since the stroke of midnight on December 31 ushered in another January 1? Is your harvest a basket of eternal fruits that continue to keep you spiritually healthy, or is the silo barren? As I sit down to compose my goals for 2011 it occurs to me that growing in Christ means He’s always renewing me. With Jesus every day I spend with Him is New Years Day!

New beginnings are possible because of God’s forgiveness of our sins. When we believe in His Son’s death on the cross for a debt we could not pay ourselves we are made new creatures. No longer are we God’s enemies, but are adopted sons and daughters through our faith in Christ Jesus. Whenever we spend time reading the Scriptures and praying to the Lord we are renewing our relationship and our souls. What a comfort it is to know we can confess our sins with a sincere and contrite heart and that God forgives us! We’re always granted another chance, a new beginning because of His mercy.

God has promised many blessings for those who love His Son and obey His commands. Some people will twist the Scriptures to implicate this means all people who are financially blessed, or who lives seems to contain little strife, are walking “right” with the Lord. Their harvest may dwarf ours if we are comparing the size of their houses, their cars and/or their bank accounts to ours. But remember, material wealth or lack thereof is not an indicator of favor with God!

You may possess earthly wealth and be morally bankrupt because you have valued everything else in life but a relationship with Jesus. You may have a new wardrobe on the outside that is the envy of many, but inside you are clothed in filthy rags. God is not impressed with our vast accumulation of wisdom and riches of the world as we squander away our lives worshiping created things above our Creator. Our best efforts at resolving to make a new and better life for ourselves, and our world, fall short when God is not the center of the power behind our plans.

In this New Year let us seek to put the Lord of the harvest of our lives first. If we turn to Jesus He will give us a new heart, a new life, and He will water the seeds that produce a bountiful crop for His glory. What a God we love and serve! He makes all things new every day, not just on January 1. What harvest will you be enjoying (or regretting) twelve months from now? Will it be sweet or bitter? The choice is yours. “You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new” (Leviticus 26:10).

Your fellow sojourner,
