Monday, May 30, 2011

The Pretty Gene

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14).

Does a glance through a fashion magazine or trying on clothes at the mall bring you down? You’re in good company. The message conveyed is always the same, “If you aren’t this skinny, sexy or swanky you’re not lovable.” Advertisers masterfully perpetrate a standard so few will achieve while convincing us to spend mega bucks trying.

We’re brain washed into believing if we become sculpted airbrushed models we’ll be happy because being you is miserable. Discouraged we numb our sadness with a pint of our favorite ice cream while watching mindless television. “If only I’d been born with the pretty gene”, we tell ourselves. Guess what? You were!

The God of all creation and the lover of your soul formed you for a unique purpose. Your DNA is like no other; and no one body shape or size is superior in God’s eyes. His plan for the person whose body is racked with disease is just as perfect as the fastest Olympic runner. We waste precious time and energy trying to be the carbon copy of someone we idolize instead of the best version of ourselves. The Father doesn’t want us to wallow in self-preoccupation and self-deprecation. There is a better way.

Look to Jesus for your self-worth, not the mixed messages of a fickle fallen world. Fashion statements come and go, but God’s Word stands firm forever. Write down Scriptures that tell of His love for you, and that He sees you as beautiful in His sight. Meditate on His promises and know in your heart that what God says about you is true, not what mankind says.

Whether you are a “stick chick” who gracefully wears the latest skinny jeans, or a delicious “curvalicious” gal who has never owned anything labeled skinny in her life, ask Jesus to help you believe that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. Pray for a balanced perspective on taking care of your body, and a vision about the life God created you for. He will heal your insecurities if you lean on Him daily. As God’s born again babe all your beauty secrets are in the Bible. It contains your spiritual makeup but you have to apply it. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14).

Your fellow sojourner,



  1. A much needed message for today. There is no way girls / young women can compete with the touched-up images of the slick magazines, and they shouldn't have to. The same is true of the guys with the models tv and the journals throw at them - muscular, athletic. We have to focus on the internal value. Good post.

    And thanks for the nice comments on Family Fountain.


  2. Thanks for sharing that message. I’d say perfect timing, but for most girls – hearing that message daily would be perfect timing. Whether I’m a size 2 or 12, diet and perfection has been the battle forever; “never enough… not enough”… and at the age of 45, “the I should know better age”, I don’t… Thanks for reiterating what is really true and what is truly false – I should never define my worth by a magazine cover or deem my “singlehood” circumstances on a number.

    Thank you, Cindy - Mooresville, NC
