Sunday, October 30, 2011

Venetian Blinds on My Heart

"Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives tales, rather, train yourselves to be godly" (I Timothy 4:7).

As we floated serenely on Venice's grand canal one warm summer evening, a gondolier told us the history of Venetian blinds. Blinds were added to the gondolas centuries ago to conceal the activities of the occupants inside. Venetians were known for their torrid love affairs that produced many illegitimate children. A crisis arose when the children of these unwed unions filled the local orphanages beyond capacity. Their vain attempts to hide their indiscretions was exposed; they could no longer deny the truth.

In an attempt to control the adulterous behavior, Venetian blinds were banded from all gondolas. The ordnance still stands today. But Venetians, like so many of us, became more clever in their disguises. They created lovely masks to cover their faces, assuming anonymity would allow them to cover their sins. As long as no one knew their identity, they felt free to parade their affairs in public without fear of consequence.

It wasn't that long ago I would have fit in well with the Venetians of today. My heart had its own set of blinds on it--shielding my heart to godly truth so I could remain in my sinful ways. I wore my own facial facade of a smile that hid the pain of the shame I bore for my own unholy unions. Wanting so much to be loved, I often settled for men who didn't really love me. Our relationships were as fleeting and meaningless as those Italian love affairs. I followed the myths and wives tales of the day, always leading me astray.

But Jesus saw through my sin and hurt, and lifted the blinds from the eyes of my heart. As I saw my sins forgiven beneath the cross of His sacrifice, I no longer hid from God. My heart was open to be loved and healed, so I could learn to love others as God intended. My relationship with my husband is pure, even though we are imperfect creatures. Praise Jesus we are His!

There is a new set of blinds on my life these days. It's one that shields me from evil, not closes out the light from heaven. It's the Word of God that keeps me safe, and helps me steer clear of superstitious myths and ungodly beliefs. As forgiven sinners, we no longer have to wear masks. Jesus has removed the shame of our sin and covered us with His radiance. We are still learning to tap into His light that makes us glow as we train ourselves to be godly. What's under your mask? What have you placed your faith in that is unholy? Will you let God remove and replace it? "Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives tales, rather, train yourselves to be godly" (I Timothy 4:7).

Your fellow sojourner,


1 comment:

  1. love this post!
    I am allowing Him see behind my mask too - to help me cast it off and to also hide in the cover of the word from those things that would lead me astray
    right now God is doing this! very timely post :)
