Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rejects Welcome

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Sifting through hundreds of resumes each week would sometimes leave me callous. As a corporate recruiter I was not trained to be emotionally attached to the applicants. My eyes scanned the documents seeking to identify only those who perfectly match the job description. There was no interest in the misfits. Not so long ago the Lord pressed upon my heart that the world’s standard of perfection is often translated into a reflection of His standard. This is a false perception because Jesus loves what society rejects, and welcomes us close where He makes us perfect. He does not expect us to approach Him in this state, or to pursue it without His help. Attempting this in our own strength only leaves us exhausted.

How rested do you feel today? If you are like me the endless pursuit of perfectionism the world demands leaves you depleted each day. Until recently, I never used to contemplate the people behind the names on the resumes that did not measure up to the standards the hiring manager required. More and more I see large gaps in their employment history, and I find myself saddened that I cannot help them. Because I cannot plead their case to the manager does not mean there is nothing I can do for them. There is another option God has given me; I can pray they will be blessed.

As I select the reject button that sends the candidate an email my imagination overtakes me. I wonder how they will react when they receive the automated note informing them they are not a fit. Is disappointment heavy on their heart because they have been out of work so long? Are they facing financial ruin? Have they run out of hope? How is this job search affecting them emotionally? Are they exhausted physically and spiritually? Do they have a good support system, or is their faith waning? At this moment my silent prayer begins as I beseech the Giver of all good things to bless them with work.

In the middle of one of these quiet prayers the Holy Spirit interrupts my thoughts to remind me to pray these people draw near to Jesus. He knows the longings of their heart, and will supply all that is needed. I pray He will open doors that no one can close, and that His favor rests on them. In their moment of rejection my hope is they will turn to Christ who never turns down anyone who seeks Him. There is only one qualification to be welcomed into His kingdom, and that is to believe that He paid your entrance fee with His blood. By your own merit you cannot be good enough, smart enough, or well-connected enough to gain access to heaven.

You cannot make your life’s resume flashier or join a social networking group that will put you in good standing with Jesus. This is good news to all who are worn out trying to get God’s attention as I was for so many years! You are granted direct access to Him as you develop a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, fellowship and Bible study. This is where you will learn for yourself that He wants to lift your cares, and give you the soul rest you crave.

While my prayers for those resume owners who I may never meet may seem trivial, I believe they are powerful because God is prompting them out of me. Who knows, one day a fellow saint may whisper in my ear as we’re praising Jesus side-by-side, “You were the one who prayed for me to be encouraged when I was downtrodden. I turned to Jesus and He welcomed me in.” Such joy there will be when we behold the receiver of the prayers the Father asked us to recite. Let us ask God to sharpen our senses to those who need to hear these healing words. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Your fellow sojourner,


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