Monday, October 12, 2009

A Modern Day Forerunner

John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the desert. Make straight the way for the Lord” (John 1:23).

In Bible Study Fellowship we are studying the gospel of John this year. Before the Apostle John introduces readers to the Messiah he writes of John the Baptist, the one who points the people to Jesus. As I read the first chapter of the book of John, I was challenged by the reality that John the Baptist never denied Christ was coming, but rather denied he himself was the Christ when questioned by the Jewish priests, Levites and Pharisees. How often have my words and deeds failed to mirror those of John the Baptist? Even once is too much; this thought makes me sad. But God is igniting a new fire in me as I study this passage of Scripture. While John the Baptist directed people to the first coming of Christ, I (along with all believers) am commanded to share the news of Christ’s second coming. We are all modern day forerunners.

As a Christian, have you ever thought of yourself as one who is used by God to make straight the path to heaven? Or are you complacent in your own salvation assurance choosing instead to leave the work of evangelism to someone else? It is a very easy trap to fall into as life provides a myriad of excuses for each of us to claim as reasonable evidence as to why we are not sharing what the gospel offers. We justify our silence and validate the voice that lies when it tells us our faith in Christ alone is too narrow-minded, what others believe is none of our business, or we don’t feel “gifted” in this area of ministry. We have convinced ourselves that God selects a few special souls to share the message that judgment day is drawing near, and He does not need us to reach the masses of unbelievers on earth. We have forgotten we are no different than John the Baptist. We are His forerunners.

How do I know this? Because the last recorded words of Jesus in the Bible were the great commission to His disciples. As He anointed the twelve before He ascended into heaven, He still anoints His followers with His Holy Spirit today. The mission has not changed. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). Two things stand out to me as I read those words of my Lord and Savior—go and tell and I will be with you wherever you are. Jesus did not command me to soak in all the abundant life He has to offer and hoard it for myself. He has asked me to share His amazing love with others, so I may share in my Master’s joy when another sinner joins God’s family.

John the Baptist provided a wonderful example for me to emulate. He wasn’t concerned about how people reacted to his appearance, his actions or his words. John’s focus was always on leading others to repentance and salvation in the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. John was humble of heart and strong in spirit, for he left the results of his proclamations to God. He knew his place in God’s great plan for mankind’s redemption. John was not their Messiah. His only responsibility was to ready their hearts to receive Jesus. John was not appointed to lord over the people, but anointed to point the people to their Lord.

In over two thousand years the commission has not changed. Let us be those voices of light and life crying out in the spiritual wilderness of society so that others may believe. Jesus is coming back. Don’t you find it exciting to be one of His forerunners? I do! Pray with me to respond as John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the desert. Make straight the way for the Lord” (John 1:23).
Your fellow sojourner,


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