Sunday, October 25, 2009

God’s Cheerleading Squad

“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes other will himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).

Have you heard the news? God is looking for cheerleaders on His team. Are you interested? Could you use a little encouragement today? Do you know someone who needs to be uplifted? Would you like to be used by Jesus to build up the heart of a tortured soul who needs a touch of amazing grace? If so, consider this your royal invitation to join God in His court and tryout for a team He wants you on. Here are the qualifications you will need.

1. A repentant heart; one that is captivated by the immeasurable sacrifice of Jesus Christ who though perfect paid for your sins by His death, burial and resurrection

2. A life that continuously seeks to surrender to the Father’s will above its own, and longs to leave a legacy of blessing that will glorify the name of God forever

3. A teachable spirit—God will show you the moves and give you the cheers you are requested to perform that will draw spectators off the bench and into the arena of life

4. A thankful heart; one that rejoices in praising the name of Jesus and seeing others join in the chant

Can you imagine how much our world (and our own attitude) would change if we grasped the concept that we are gifted by the Holy Spirit for such a ministry? This is not a superficial cheering squad I am talking about. Christians know what’s at stake—the salvation of the lost. Although we are on the winning team the game is not over. It is still being played out in the drama of life. Recruitment continues; Jesus wants to increase the size of his cheerleaders, as well as His players.

What do cheerleaders do on Christ’s roster? They encourage others with His Holy Scriptures. They share what struggles and transformations are taking place in their own lives. Cheerleaders are open, honest, enthusiastic and raw with their emotions. They cry when it gets tough but they never give up hope in a positive outcome. Unlike earthly teams that experience defeat, they know on God’s team the greatest victory awaits them in heaven. They help others press on to glory regardless of how vicious the opposing team attacks. Their faith is in the right Person who will deliver all who follow Him.

There is a special reward God grants to His cheerleaders. It is a byproduct of their obedience to pour out themselves before others so His Holy Spirit can shine through their words and actions. Because cheerleaders delight in the smiling faces of the players on God’s team, and the spectators who one day leap from the sidelines to join in the game because of divine intervention, they are encouraged by those they have rooted for. This is the cycle of God’s blessing flowing from His Spirit to ours to another person’s and beyond, forming a beautiful circle connected by His love.

If you have been sitting in the stands observing the game and wondering which team to join, please make the only right choice. Confess your need for a Savior and forgiveness of your sins, accept by faith that Jesus paid for your sins by His death at Calvary, and believe that He is praying for you always as He sits on the right side of the Father in heaven. Don’t you want to be on His winning team where you can experience daily refreshment for your soul? Come join us. Somebody needs to hear the voice of your unique cheer the Spirit will teach you to recite! “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes other will himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).

Your fellow sojourner (and cheerleader),


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