“While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, who I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him” (Matthew 17:5)!
What’s your idea of a perfect day? Does it involve several uninterrupted hours of quiet solitude where you allow yourself such luxuries as reading a book or taking a nap? Conversely, would you fill the day with lots of activity that leaves you exhausted but utterly satisfied when it’s over? Does spending time conversing with Jesus even enter your mind, or is that too much of a task to be completed instead of a privilege His followers are granted? Such thoughts recently convicted me during my less-than-perfect day whilst I set about seeking perfection on my own.
Perhaps you’re like me. Days that satisfy you the most change with the seasons. I often oscillate between the introvert and extrovert in me (although I am a strong extrovert in nature). I relish the big Christmas party we host each December just as much as rainy quiet nights watching a movie fireside. I must admit I am usually thinking about other people that I can spend my time with. My King is not always first on my guest list.
It is July now, so my favorite days are those spent hiking with my husband followed by a dip in our community pool. The evening is topped off with a light and healthy meal, and good conversation between us. We’ve bonded. Our bodies, minds and hearts were exercised. A spirit of thankfulness permeates the air with the words of our evening prayers and reflections. Still I am left to wonder, as I listen to my husband’s voice, how much time did I make to listen to Jesus’ voice?
Earlier this week, when Jon was working the night shift, I found myself very blue after a long stressful work day. As is often the case with my corporate job I fight back tears of frustration over all that is heaped upon my desk. Longing for comfort to help me erase the scars from the day’s battle, I took a long fast walk around the neighborhood. It was hot and humid. Arriving back at my doorstep sweaty and drained I was still without relief. “What can I do next to make me feel better?” I thought. “I know--I’ll go to the pool!” Surely that will lift my spirits. Changing quickly I grabbed a towel and made my way to the clubhouse gates where refreshment awaited me.
Feeling the warm water envelope my body like silk gently touching my skin I began to swim, unaware of the beauty around me. My head was face down in the water, concentrating on pushing my troubles away with each stroke, when suddenly everything changed. The day became perfect. Flipping over on to my back, I gazed upward on the magnificent sky as my hands glided across the water. The scene was indescribably beautiful as sunbeams hidden behind painted clouds of lavender, pink and orange illuminated the fringes with a silvery light. Although the sun was not visible it was very much present, and actively at work in the twilight sky. Instantly, sorrow left my heart as my eyes beheld the glory before me that summer evening. Soaking up the sun’s healing light my mind began to contemplate, “Is not the light of God’s Son, which never fades like the sun in the sky, what I should really be basking in?”
When I’m face down in trials it feels like Jesus is not present. But my thoughts deceive me. Christ is only temporarily shielded from my view. He exists just the same as the sun shining brightly behind the clouds. I need to lift my heart’s eyes to the heavens where God speaks to me, and invites me to listen for His voice above all earthly sounds. The pleasure the sun’s warmth gives me pales in comparison to the love of the Son of God. Because Jesus is perfect each day I spend in communion with Him can be harmonious no matter what imperfections the day brings, including the ones I offer before Him myself. With God’s help I’ve begun to change my definition of a perfect day. How about you? “While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, who I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him” (Matthew 17:5)!
Your fellow sojourner,
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