Previously posted on my web site in June 2009:
“Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen him” (John 14:6-7).
Today is Father’s Day. After church, my husband and I went for a two-hour hike in the state park up the street from our house. As we wandered through the seven-mile woodland path that takes us through varied terrain, my thoughts began to focus on the fathers in my life. First, there is my earthly father who passed away six-and-one-half years ago. I no longer grieve his passing maybe because I see so much of him in those of us who are here. My siblings and I share some of Dad’s physical traits as well as his points of view. We’ve often heard people say, “You Singer kids look so much alike.”
The second father is not mine. Rather he is my husband and a father of three daughters from a previous marriage. There’s a tenderness to the way my husband relates to his daughters, and I admire his diligent pursuit of a relationship with them that is full of life. He has always communicated his love for them, and willingness to be a counselor in times of need. Just as I bear a family resemblance to my earthly father, so do my husband’s girls to him. I see it in their eyes or their laugh and in their dispositions. We often joke about the differences between the Singer and Wick families, and relish in the knowledge that we also share commonalities too.
But of all the fathers I know whether relatives or friends, the most important one is my heavenly Father. He is the one constant in my life. He is ever-present, never-changing, and always moving toward me in love. He desires closeness with His children. I don’t have to worry that one day He won’t be there for me. He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. God knows no limits; He has no life span as physical fathers do. God the Father has always existed in spiritual form and graciously gave us a glimpse of His character in the physical form of His Son, Jesus. What a gift it is to be able to say, “Jesus is the representation of His Dad and He invites everyone to join His family!”
It is sad to hear people say that they don’t believe God is a loving Father because of the traumatic experiences they’ve incurred with their natural fathers. Humans are very flawed, but this cannot be used as an excuse to turn away from God Almighty. He knows our pain and has provided a way to have a loving Father-child relationship with Him. This can only happen when we have a close personal relationship with His Son, Jesus. Likewise, when we are born again spiritually and indwelt with the Holy Spirit we reflect a new gene pool to the world. It’s no longer my fleshly parents that the world notices, but my spiritual Father and His Son.
Knowing that I am God’s adopted daughter both comforts and challenges me. While I am not a physical parent, I am still called to be a mentor to those the Lord puts in my life. This is true for all Christians. We are to make manifest the glory of God by allowing Him to display His love for others through us. Jesus Christ is our perfect example who does not expect perfection from us, only the willingness to be used. Once we surrender to His will, then He can speak to a weary soul through our words and deeds; drawing that hurting sinner into a relationship that forgives and heals.
So on this day when we honor our human fathers my greatest prayer is that people I encounter throughout my life would say, “She looks just like her Father and I want to be part of that family too!” If you still mistrust the character of God the Father, just remember to take your questions to His Son. “Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen him” (John 14:6-7).
Your fellow sojourner,
Hey, Mary! This a beautiful tribute to your Daddy, your husband, and to our Abba! Thank you for sharing with us!!