Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Learning Contentment in Trying Times

Previously posted on my web site in May 2009: http://extravagantlife.net/site/

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:11-13).

The past week I have felt anything but content. I have let the stress of my everyday circumstances steal my peace. While the natural response might be to say “I am only human”, as a born again follower of Jesus Christ this is not true. Yes, I have a fleshly body and belong to the human race, but my spirit is infused with God’s supernatural Holy Spirit. While this does not make me equal with God, it does give me access to His heavenly throne where my prayers for divine intervention are heard, and answered. How quickly I forgot this truth when recently tested.

It began with the announcement of company layoffs that occurred over a seven-day span at my corporate job. Even though I was spared, the news was nonetheless devastating to our entire team. Each day tears were shed as co-workers tragically learned of their fate, and those of us left to pick up their job responsibilities were crying with them. The layoffs were random, often wiping out the best employees, like a cancer that strikes without warning. Despite their best efforts over the years, these employees could not control the outcome. It was just their turn to suffer loss.

None of this “feels” fair or just. It’s not easy seeing people struggle. I’ve been there myself having experienced half-a-dozen layoffs over my working career. No matter how much people told me it wasn’t my fault, a part of me always felt somehow I’d failed. Watching my co-workers exit this time, I can honestly say this is not a result of poor job performance, nor is it anything they manifested. In fact, a part of me wonders why I am still employed. There is only one explanation, God’s grace and His plans.

Does this mean I have more favor in the Lord’s eyes than my downsized co-workers? Absolutely not! While I am fortunate to have a weekly paycheck, my increased workload is nothing to rejoice over. The stress seems unbearable as management’s unrealistic expectations are heaped on our shoulders. The job was already difficult with adequate staff. Yet I know there are others who would trade places with me in a heart beat, and I feel guilty. I have a goal to work full-time in writing in speaking. Many have no vision for their future. They have put all their time and energy into this job; now it’s over for them.

So why haven’t I left? Why not just quit because I’m unhappy and let someone else take my place who really wants to be there? After all, who needs to stay in a situation that’s not meeting my needs (except financially)? That seems like the logical approach, until I take these thoughts and feelings before Jesus in prayer. It is there my precious Lord and Savior impresses upon my mind that something bigger is going on. Ironically, it’s the same thing He wants to teach my former co-workers—the secret of contentment regardless of life’s trials.

Four years ago I was downsized from a company due to market conditions. During my five months of unemployment, I proclaimed to everyone that God was not going to put me back to work doing the same type of job I’d done for the last ten years. I was convinced He would not give me employment in a field that I no longer felt any passion for, so I focused my energies on other pursuits. I had several interviews that produced favorable feedback, but as soon as a new door was ajar the funding disappeared. In the end, I went back to work doing the same thing I’d done for the last decade.

One day, feeling utterly defeated and trapped in my corporate job, I cried to the Lord as I prayed for help. I told God I didn’t like what I was doing; I wasn’t happy. I felt I was going to crumble under the weight of my responsibilities. Each weekend I fussed internally knowing Monday was fast approaching, and I didn’t want to go to work! I was thankful for the income, but not the job itself. My disappointment over the way God answered my prayers was evident; I told Him I didn’t understand what He had done. As is often the case when the Father touches my grieving heart He simply said, “Trust me, Mary. This is for your good despite your feelings. It’s not time to leave yet”. Today He whispers these same words.

As I seek God’s face without concentrating on the “things” I dislike in my life, something exciting is happening. I have ceased asking Jesus to make the job easier for me. Rather I’ve asked God to reveal more of His character to me. I want to bask in the warmth of His love, and trust in His provision. I am learning to surrender my plans to His. All God allows is drawing me nearer to Him for satisfaction. It is one thing to read Scripture and tell others what God can do for them, and quite another to have this belief tested in my life. He longs to show me in this ever-changing world where true happiness is found, in knowing Him personally.

My job can disappear tomorrow, relationships can end, sickness can invade my healthy body, but God is unchangeable. I find hope in that truth. He is faithful to provide the courage I need to endure hardship, and gives me joy. How does God do this? He hears my prayers and extends His matchless grace to me; to all believers of His Son. I am so encouraged the Apostle Paul wrote that he “learned” the secret of being content. It’s a process. Praise God He never gives up on those who hang in there with Him! I pray you learn to be filled with the contentment of Christ too. “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:11-13).
Your fellow sojourner,

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Mary! This is so true!! Great words to soak in and remember! I love this scripture from Paul!
    I missed you this weekend!!

