Previously posted on my website in June, 2009
“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13).
Life has been more chaotic than usual for me, and I feel my strength being depleted. It’s not just me who is struggling, but friends I’m praying for too. There are real needs to be attended to as people suffer from health crises, financial ruin, job loss and fractured relationships. Some days the pain is more than I can bear, and I feel so helpless. It seems God has pushed me to the limit, or has He? Perhaps a more accurate statement would be to say that He allowed me to rely on my own problem-solving abilities, and I simply ran out of answers.
Do you ever feel hard times equate to punishment from God, and that He isn’t listening to your cries for help? I used to feel that way a lot before I had a close personal relationship with Jesus. Even now, there are moments during trials when Satan will tempt me with those thoughts that if entertained only lead to despair. Praise God I don’t have to surrender my mind to the Devil’s lies! The Lord has provided the ammunition to combat these vicious attacks—His Holy Scriptures.
Recently, I found myself in tears as I grappled with burdens that pressed me face down to the ground where my view of life was dimmed. In that moment I had two choices. I could wallow in the “dirt” before me and blind myself further, or I could pray and allow God to open my eyes to His hope. By His grace I chose the later, and the Lord led me to this wonderful verse: “For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13).
Is there anything more precious than hearing the Father say to you that He is holding your right hand, and He will help you? How tender and powerful that picture is for me. Reading it instantly blessed my soul, and I thanked God for revealing that Scripture to me. One of the many things I love about God is that He meets me right where I am. He didn’t chastise me when my reaction to life’s problems was to panic. No! Instead, His Holy Spirit gently convicted my heart to confess this sin and not only receive God’s forgiveness, but His help too. What joy!
Perhaps you would care to join me in this exercise. Whenever I feel myself fearing the task before me that is beyond my control to complete, I meditate on the vision of God’s divine intervention. He’s waiting for me to bring my cares to Him and to trust that He will either take care of it without my effort, or infuse me with the strength to fulfill the mission. Come. Silence your mind, close your eyes, and let the peace of your heavenly Father fill you as He says: “For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13).
Your fellow sojourner,
Just finished reading your book this afternoon (and have lots of thoughts to share when I have more energy) but I had to smile when I read this post and thought of your engagement, as your hubby "took hold of your right hand" and slipped the ring on the wrong finger. Sometimes we want to tell God, "you did it wrong" when He's planned it that way all along. I noticed the mistaken hand in no way made you turn down his marriage proposal! How like God to give us more than we could ask or imagine in ways differently than we expect. :) {hug}