Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Last Days

"3... knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us,[a] not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:3-9).

Why talk about the last days at the beginning of a New Year? Shouldn't we focus on our resolutions, our daily goals for self-improvement, and whatever leads to a more prosperous and fulfilling life? Isn't January supposed to be the most optimistic month when we wipe the slate clean and start anew? While taking care of our financial and physical health is a wise use of these gifts from God, the reality of what lies ahead when Jesus returns to our world should make our spiritual health top priority. Hard as we try, we cannot atone for our transgressions. We are not that powerful or pure.

While hard work and dedication may result in accomplishing our resolutions/goals, we cannot excel high enough in our achievements to reach God. The only way to salvation is bowing down in humble submission to the King of kings, Jesus Christ. His death at Calvary and resurrection from the grave ushered in eternal life for ALL who place their faith in Him! This is good news to an over achiever and people pleasure like me. It's God's grace through His Holy Spirit that draws you to Him in repentance for your sins, and His mercy and strength that holds you close as you obey His Word.

What are you counting on to gain your admission to heaven? Still in denial about your need for a Savior because you think you're a pretty good person? By whose standards do you measure your worthiness? Don't compare yourself to the men/women of this life/world for you will fall short of God's holy and perfect standard. Trust in Jesus, the only perfect Man and Son of God, and follow hard after Him.

Be careful whose voice you listen to. Don't believe me--check your Bible and listen to God's voice in His Holy Word! Many who speak in this world are turning you away from the One true God and tricking you into self-elevation. If you're not convicted about your lifestyle and there is no evidence of change in your words/desires/actions then you are not indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The closer we come to Jesus the more we want to run from our old nature. You want to reach the finish line a winner in the last days of your life, don't you? How you begin today in your relationship with the Lord determines how you'll end your journey, and where you'll spend forever.

"17 You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked;18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus ChristTo Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen" (2 Peter 3:17-18).

Your fellow herald for Jesus,



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