Monday, December 22, 2014

God's Glory

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14)

Glory to God in the highest! Praise and thanksgiving for His inexpressible gift, Jesus Christ. In Jesus we behold God's glory and love.

Wishing you the Savior's joy and peace this Christmas.

Your fellow herald for Jesus,


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving celebration as we praise Almighty God for His bountiful blessings!

Psalm 146

Praise the Lord.[a]
Praise the Lord, my soul.
I will praise the Lord all my life;
    I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Do not put your trust in princes,
    in human beings, who cannot save.
When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
    on that very day their plans come to nothing.
Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
    whose hope is in the Lord their God.
He is the Maker of heaven and earth,
    the sea, and everything in them—
    he remains faithful forever.
He upholds the cause of the oppressed
    and gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets prisoners free,
    the Lord gives sight to the blind,
the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
    the Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the foreigner
    and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
    but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.
10 The Lord reigns forever,
    your God, O Zion, for all generations.
Praise the Lord.

Your fellow herald for Jesus,


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Zealous Wanderers

"It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way."

Trail maps are only good if you read and apply them. In our haste to get to the top of the mountain summit we darted out in confident ignorance. "Surely it can't be that hard to find our way?", our prideful emotions declared. And for awhile the path was easy. So we ascended higher into the alpine forest with vigor and gusto propelling our feet. Captivated by the scenery and lost in dreamy thoughts we neglected to notice we'd veered off the path. Surrounded by thorny bushes and thicket the hike got harder and dangerously close to a cliff. Time to make a choice.

Life is often like that. We think we know the right way to go and don't consult the One who is our Maker, Almighty God. The Lord's gift to mankind of free will is both a blessing and a curse, for He has enabled us with options for choosing good or evil. We stubbornly believe we know what is best, what is truth, which road to heaven is the right path. But we have tunnel vision that limits our sight in this earthly life. We are not God and never will be. But through a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus, Christ, we can follow the One who leads us to heaven.

Don't get lost in life. The Holy Spirit will live in you when you confess your sins and dedicate your life to following Jesus. He helps you to understand what the Holy Scriptures say. The Bible is more than a guide book, it is God's inspired Holy Word given to us for knowledge of who God is, what He desires, and what God expects of us. When you stay close to Jesus there is no confusion for He is the true light and the way. Feelings and experiences can fool us. But knowledge of God's Word gives clarity and truth to those who study it, and apply it to their lives.

It is possible to be very zealous in your beliefs but be following the wrong theology, and listening to ungodly advice from others. Spend time reading the Bible and ask God to help you understand the Scriptures. He loves you and wants to give you a new heart and mind, cleanse your sins, and show you how to live in communion with Him! You don't want to miss all the blessings of heaven and a Helper for life's hardships because you were walking on the wrong trail, do you? "It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way."

Your fellow herald for Jesus,


Monday, September 1, 2014

La Dolce Vita

"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth" (Psalm 119:103)!

Awaken from my slumber by a lawnmower's motor I mistook for a speedboat, I draw back the curtains and find no water in sight. I'm home this Labor Day weekend vacationing in my heart while my body recovers from a grueling work week. My husband sleeps peacefully beside me after his 13-hour night shift duty. As the warm sun streams in turning the night into day, I gaze out on our backyard gardens realizing there's no where else I'd rather be. Who needs a vacation when I'm already living what Italians call "la dolce vita", the sweet life?!

Reading God's Word and relishing my morning tea I'm filled with peace and contentment in the Scriptures. I have more than I need in this earthly life as I take inventory of my possessions. My cupboard is full and food is easy to grasp which humbles me in remembrance of those less fortunate. The Father has provided many human blessings for us to share with others, but the greatest treasure we have is our life in Christ. The Gospel is worth more than our bank account; it's the gift of eternal life for those who possess new life by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Culinary delights are wonderful, we need to eat to sustain our bodies. But all that I have in this life would ring hollow if not enjoyed with a loving heart transformed by the Holy Spirit. In all seasons of life it is God's Word that binds me to Him, and the reality that all I see before me on earth will one day perish. How do you deal with the certainty of death with an attitude of hopeful anticipation of eternity? By resting in the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice and not on the inadequacies of your on rituals and deeds.

While time will erode the lovely gardens surrounding my house God's Word stands forever. It is the only thing that will last! Holding the Scriptures in my mind and my heart I am filled in my soul; more satisfied than anything I could put in my mouth. "I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food" (Job 23:12).

As you enjoy a respite from work with family and friends this Labor Day, may you feast on the words of the only Living God and find your joy complete. "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth" (Psalm 119:103)!

Your fellow herald for Jesus,


Sunday, August 17, 2014

That Was Nice

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" (Proverbs 4:23)

Vows were exchanged on a warm summer day at the country home of her parents. The young bride aglow with her handsome young groom stood confident; eager to begin their journey. Whisked away to the reception hall the minister was unable to join them. Mother-of-the-bride beckons my help; asking me to say the blessing before the meal. Honored and scared for I don't take this task lightly, God put Psalm 145-3-4 in my heart. My prayer for these newlyweds is centered on these verses as I bow before the Lord. Returning to my seat and the comments of some guests, "Oh, that was nice" was all they said.

Pondering the fascination our society has with outlandish wedding ceremonies that give little credence to God's view of marriage I was grateful this family focused on Christ's blessing. After all, a beautiful wedding is a lovely event but a beautiful marriage is a lasting legacy for generations to come. This is my hope for this dashing young couple, that they seek to follow The Lord and teach their future children how to love Jesus.

Nearly twelve years since my own wedding day I praise God for the gift of my husband. As we continue to grown in our love and knowledge of the Lord and each other, I am continually learning that marriage is an on going ministry of sacrifice. We must seek to do what is best for the two of us (in accordance with God's Word), not what we individually desire. The process of "becoming one" as husband and wife goes on forever. It's more than a joining of hands and exchanging rings at the ceremony.

The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He will keep our hearts committed and faithful as we obey all that the Father has commanded. This surrender of our will to God's will is for our good and our protection! My hope for my marriage and all Christian unions is that people won't just say, "Oh, that was nice" but rather "Look what God did--I want that, too!" Seek the Lord with humility and repentance and He will give you much more than a great marriage. He will give you everlasting life whether you are single, married, divorced or widowed. "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" (Proverbs 4:23)

Your fellow herald for Jesus,


Friday, July 4, 2014

Freedom Day

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand Firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened by the yoke of slavery" (Galatians 5:1).

As we celebrate Independence Day in America let us thank God for the true gift of freedom in a life dedicated to Christ. The moment we declare our dependence on our Savior we are freed from the bondage of Satan's grasp. That is truly our day of freedom and worthy of great celebration!
Your fellow herald for Christ,

Monday, June 30, 2014

Daddy's Girl

"This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God's child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister" (1 John 3:10).

Each June Americans pause to honor their fathers, some with less enthusiasm then others. It's a sad commentary on our society to see the over emphasis on Mother's Day celebrations versus Father's Day. We're bombarded by a myriad of gift ideas for mom--even the cards are bigger than ones available for dads! We've pushed mom to the forefront while quietly ignoring dad whether he deserves it or not.

Fatherhood is a vanishing vocation as women proclaim such popular mantras as, "We don't need a man--we are self sufficient--our children don't need a father--etc..." I'll admit there are bad parents, neglectful mothers and fathers who've abandoned their responsibilities to their offspring. But even the men who try their best to be loving and supportive husbands and fathers are often shunned by rebellious children. Why? It started in the Garden of Eden.

Since the creation of man we have told God he wasn't enough for us. Adam and Eve listened to the serpent who tempted them with knowledge, power, and the idea they could be like God. Instead of trusting the God who created them and believing His commands were for their protection, the first husband and wife on earth chose to follow a lie. From that day forward Satan took hold of the human heart and we became the devil's own.

It is not popular teaching throughout the world today to fear God, to honor our heavenly Father, and that humans are born with depraved souls. We're taught to believe we are basically good and only a few really terrible people (criminals for one) will suffer God's wrath of judgment one day. Many professing Christians seek to keep the peace by admonishing people to follow whatever spiritual path they choose. They say in the end all will be acceptable to the Lord, but this is unloving and untrue! No one wants to believe they are bound for hell but they are if they die apart from placing their faith in Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross.

While it is true that God created all people we are not automatically part of God's family. Only those who are born again; having a new nature because the Holy Spirit lives in their hearts are children of God. God loves everyone so much that He doesn't want any of us to perish! He made a way for us to be with Him forever if we will believe in Jesus as our Savior, and dedicate our lives to Him. Romans 10:13 tells us "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Whose child are you? If you haven't made the choice to bow your knee and your heart in prayer to Jesus then you are not going to heaven. Heaven is where God's family will live forever in joyous harmony. Hell is isolation, torment and where Satan's offspring lives in darkness. Thanking the Lord this month for my late earthly father as I praise Jesus that I am His Daddy's girl. "This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God's child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister" (1 John 3:10).

Your fellow herald for Christ,


Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Mother's Heart

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" (Proverbs 31:30).

She makes her appearance every spring just in time for Mother's Day. Her pink and fragrant petals delight my senses and fill me with childhood memories of long ago visits to my grandmother's house. She has survived several transplants, including a trip from the North to the South, and is already older than I will probably ever be. My century old peony bush, my link to the past.

As hardy and resilient as this lovely peony bush is, her bloom time is limited to two weeks at most. Yet her legacy of the women who nurtured and pruned her over the decades endures through the generations. She sits pretty on a hill nestled between rose bushes in the speckled sunlight of maple trees. Her radiance bursts forth in gentle glory then quickly dims, signalling to the roses beside her that it's their turn to shine.

So it is with a mother. Her love blooms in brilliance as she sacrifices for her family, often letting their beauty overshadow her own. A model of Christ's love for His children is the woman who fears the Lord and dedicates her life to His service. Generations will reap what she sows for she is the example others will follow. 

My life like the peony is a short season when measured by God's hand. Although I am not a physical mother, the Father has put children in my life over the years. We all have a circle of influence. It can be a daunting task to ponder the raising of a child. But if we give our hearts and lives to Jesus His Holy Spirit will mold us and guide us.

May we choose to focus on cultivating the beauty of Christ in this world so subsequent generations will bless His holy name. "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" (Proverbs 31:30).

Your fellow herald for Christ,


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Heaven's Gate

Therefore Jesus said again, "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:9-10).

With stores and homes filled with colored eggs, bunny figurines, and candy galore it's hard to tell what people are celebrating this month. There is very little evidence of the true meaning of Easter as commercialism and pagan traditions have hijacked our most sacred feast. Cute little bunnies don't offend most people, but a wooden cross with a message of salvation in a church or residential yard does. Why such contrasting reactions? Because rabbits and candy don't stir our hearts to repentance; they are not the gateway to everlasting life.

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (I Corinthians 1:18). The devil loves to distract us and put diversions in our path. Satan doesn't want people to worship Jesus as their Messiah. He'll thwart all evangelism efforts by deceiving the minds of the unsaved; cleverly convincing the masses they don't need a Savior. Satan casts doubt on the validity of God's sovereignty and His standards of holiness whenever he cunningly whispers, "A just God would never send good people to hell, would he?" Lucifer's lies about the severity of our sins lead many to conclude that Christ's death and resurrection is not enough, or not necessary at all, for entrance into heaven.

Don't believe the devil and his evil schemes! He's a murderer of your soul and robber of abundant life. Believe the Passover Lamb whose blood shed at Calvary covered your sins forever. Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd: I know my sheep and my sheep know me--just as the Father knows me and I know the Father--I lay down my life for the sheep" (John 10:16).

Do you know the voice of your Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ? Do you read His words in the Bible and pray for His Holy Spirit to guide you in truth, obedience and salvation? Have you laid your life down before Him in worship and thanksgiving? If so, then Easter will be a joyful celebration of Christ's triumph over sin and death for all who trust in His sacrifice. Two gates are placed before you, which one will you enter eternity through--the one that leads to hell or heaven? Therefore Jesus said again, "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:9-10).

Your fellow herald for Christ,


Monday, March 31, 2014

Dangerous Liaisons

Jesus is "'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.' Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:11-12).

Interfaith devotional was the subject of the email beckoning all its readers to participate. With warm greetings the writer asked members of all beliefs to share meditations, spiritual thoughts, devotionals, and words that uplifted and guided them when they needed it. Casting the net wide would surely not offend anyone as the writer declared we all have something to learn from each other. Seriously? Count me out of that circle for it's nothing but a dangerous liaison disguised as your new best friend.

While I have friends of all different faiths (include atheists and agnostics) that I share life with, one thing I won't compromise on is the Word of God in the Holy Bible. I love my friends but don't ask non-believers and those not surrendered to Christ to give me any spiritual guidance. Why not you ask? Because they can't! Sadly, their gods are idols and cannot save anyone. Deuteronomy 27:15 warns us, "Cursed is anyone who makes an idol--a thing detestable to the Lord, the work of skilled hands--and sets it up in secret."

Sharing the Gospel and Scriptures is a regular habit of mine along with praying for them, but pretending that interfaith messages are good for all of us is to do my unsaved loved ones a disservice. The Bible clearly teaches us that salvation is by grace alone and in Christ alone. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). No room for interfaith messages there, the Son of God is the final authority!

Although it may sound nice and tolerant to proclaim that all beliefs are valid, have you ever thought how wrong that is? We should love and welcome all people to hear the truth of the Holy Scriptures, but to embrace their antichrist beliefs as valid is deadly to perishing souls! It's often stated when discussing life after death that there are many paths to the road home. Clearly if you are talking about sending people to hell that is an accurate statement--any road apart from Christ will take you there. As it was in the Old Testament days so it goes with the world today--everyone does as they see fit (Judges 17:5). Very few are testing the latest preaching messages against God's Word in the Bible, and so we are too easily deceived.

Participation in the interfaith devotional email was not an option I chose, but praying for those distributing it is. Christ's outstretched arms on the cross was not a symbol that all roads will take you to heaven. There was nothing interfaith about His horrific death, His burial, and His triumphant resurrection after three days! If someone has shared this Good News with you it is because they love you too much to let you walk away from the one Person who died so you could live in heaven, your Savior Jesus Christ our Lord. Why would you follow a dangerous liaison when you can follow the King of kings? Jesus is "'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.' Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:11-12).

Your fellow herald for Christ,


Monday, February 24, 2014

Diamond White

"Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool" (Isaiah 1:18).

February weather is tricky in North Carolina. Balmy breezes give no indication that bitter arctic winds are riding their trade winds like a high flying kite and its tether. Before we knew it our yard was covered with 12" of ice and snow sealing us inside our house. We would have been trapped until it thawed had it not been for one door, our front door, that was only lightly glazed. Don't we often feel that way about our sins? The storm brews but we ignore it until we are buried under a suffocating pile with only one way out.

Wrapped up in our warmest winter clothes, my husband and I ventured out into the winter wonderland that beset our neighborhood. Although it was Valentine's Day that week it looked like Christmas! Reveling in the sounds of crunching snow beneath our boots as snowflakes cascaded from the heavens above us, we were more aware of the beauty of God's creation than we'd been in days past. Joyful noises filled the air as children raced down front yard hills on slides or decorated snowmen with their parents. Hearts were lite and the world was at play as if we'd never seen snow before. A mini winter vacation courtesy of God.

With the sun setting and the full moon rising the snow looked like a diamond mine beneath the amber street lamps. The normally dirty and barren earth of winter was covered in a pure white sparkling blanket. The Lord's glory revealed in nature for all to see, but how many people complained about the weather and missed the beauty in the silent moments rather than embracing it, I wondered. So often this is how we treat God. We rage at Him when trials come especially if they are the product of our sinful lifestyles. We want blue skies, perfect days every day, and shut out God's light that brightens the darkest heart.

There is only one way out of the frozen tundra of sin that saves us from an eternal life of despair in hell. A door to the Father in heaven that is open through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the great lover of our souls, better than any Valentine on earth! He hates sin--it separates us from the Father--and cost Jesus His life on the Cross. Ask Him to forgive you and to make His home forever in your heart. His Holy Spirit will guide you as you humbly seek Him in prayer.  He'll make your soul diamond white--the only color God sees after the blood of Jesus has washed you clean. "Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool" (Isaiah 1:18).

Your fellow herald for Jesus,


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Your Book of Acts

"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you" (Ephesians 5:14).

"You'll probably make a million dollars from book sales after you're dead" was my husband's lighthearted response to my meager royalty check. "Authors are often more famous in death than in life so your estate may be more valuable after you're gone", he continued. Although he was joking there is some element of truth to Jon's words. I don't know if my book sales will ever produce much monetary wealth, but that isn't my goal. Heavenly deposits is.

Did you ever stop to think that your book of acts will live on forever? What we believe, how we relate to others, and what we have done has enormousness consequences for blessing or cursing. All the stories in the Bible still affect lives today although they were written thousands of years ago! Generations of people, through the work of the Holy Spirit, have put into practice the commands of God and cherished His word. Just as many people have rejected God's word claiming it's irrelevant, outdated, full of bigotry and open to interpretation. Each choice matters not only to the people around you but to Almighty God.

At the end of all life on earth each person will be judged by Jesus, but the judgments will be different depending on one choice. If we confessed we are a sinner, trusted Christ as our Savior and made Him Lord of our life we are born again spiritually and join God's family. Our names will be written in the His book--the Lamb's book of life, and we'll be welcomed into heaven. Your sins were wiped clean by the precious blood of Jesus and He remembers them no more! "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life" (Revelation 21:27).

To reject Christ as Lord and Savior and believe you can enter heaven based on your perceived good lifestyle will be the most tragic mistake. Your judgment will be with those who are dead to God; enemies of Christ. All the evil deeds you ever committed, your darkest secrets, will be read aloud for all to hear because your arrogance claimed you were better than Jesus.  "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire" (Revelation 20:11-15).

What legacy are you creating for yourself and your loved ones? How will your actions affect people today and forever? As we begin this New Year let us awake from our spiritual slumber and live each day with eternity in mind. Your book of acts is still being written. Will there be a happy ending?  "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you" (Ephesians 5:14).

Your fellow herald for Jesus,
