Monday, October 28, 2013

To It and Through It

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).

Hiking through the lush forest covered in dew I'm lost to all that is around. Lost in thoughts that entangle my spirit and smother my soul with distress. Lost to the beauty in my midst because I'm blinded by trials I'm mulling over in my head. Lost to the reality of God's presence on this crisp early morning as my feet hustle through the rustling leaves beneath me. The sound of a twig snapping breaks my concentration forcing my gaze to the left. In a small meadow my eyes behold a previously invisible wonder that captivates me and stops me right in my tracks.

As the mist clears and the sunbeams appear, I'm treated to a field of silk saucers suspended in air between the brush. Beckoning my husband near to view this pretty scene our curiosity moves us closer to these objects. They are hundreds of spider webs in the shape of cups about the size of our hands! They sparkled like tiny angels for a few minutes before disappearing behind the cloudy light. What a beautiful reminder of all the things God sees that escape our sight each day!

That memory revisits me every time I walk in the woods. It's a reminder to me that we who walk with Jesus are never alone. If He brings us to a wilderness life experience He not only brings us through it, but He'll give us glimpses of beauty along the rough path. We just have to call out to Him and be on the watch for His reply. Miracles and the splendor of God's glory become visible when we humbly seek His face daily. "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).

Your fellow herald for Jesus,
