"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25).
We were an unlikely pair, no one would have picked us to become close friends. She was outspoken and exuded confidence whenever she entered a room. Quieter and insecure, I was both intimidated and fascinated by her. She was my co-worker and I admired her accomplishments. She requested to be transferred out of state, I never gave it any consideration. But one day we were approached by our management and both of us accepted the offer to go. Young and single we had stars in our eyes and dreams in our hearts as we set off together for a new land. God was paving the way for a beautiful friendship.
Those first years of living away from family and friends bonded us. We learned to rely on each other for comfort and encouragement. She was the first among us to give her life to Jesus. In fear and awe I watched the Lord work in her wild spirit as He made her into a gentle mentor for me. My pride was strong. I believed I was right with God even when I was very lost. Yet she never ceased praying for me and witnessing to me, even when life took her far away and out of state. Mentors don't have to live next door to be used by the Father.
We have not lived in the same state for many years, but we continue to walk through life together. She has always appeared like a bright luminary in my life at the most critical seasons of change. We have shared the joy of becoming brides later in life along with the sorrows over the death of loved ones. She's trustworthy and true when I need to share a confidence. The Lord has blessed me greatly with her words of encouragement. She always points me back to my Savior. There is no truer friend!
With a relocation on the horizon as my husband's job transfers us, she made time out of her busy schedule to fly here and help me pack. Oh, what a gift it was to see my friend! I couldn't help but think that perhaps this is how Mary and Elizabeth felt when Mary went to stay with her cousin. God is so good to bless us with hugs and smiles from those we love just when we need them most! I know He reveals His love through the compassion of others who keep close to Him.
Just as Mary and Elizabeth were able to share their fears and joys in a time of great change, so it was with me and my friend. Sitting in my dining room we packed up my Christmas decorations. Tears flowed but so did the laughter as we rejoiced in what Jesus had done in our lives. Would not Mary and Elizabeth have done likewise? I praise God for using my dear friend to refresh my spirit! Is there someone you could be a blessing to? Don't miss the opportunity to be the Lord's hands and feet in a practical way. With God, the blessing always comes full circle. "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25).
Your fellow herald for Christ,
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