Thursday, April 5, 2012

Believe and Receive

“I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43).

If ever a story gave evidence that you cannot “work” your way into heaven, the story of the thief to the right of Jesus on the cross does. Time for “doing” good works had run out as two criminals hung on either side of their Savior. Both were given the same opportunity to believe Jesus was the Messiah from whom they could receive forgiveness and eternal life. With his critical words the thief on the left condemned himself while the confession of the thief on the right freed him. How could that happen?

Pride can blind us from humbling ourselves. We think we can earn our way into heaven by acts of service or by saying all the right prayers. If there was anything more the repentant thief could have “done” besides believe Jesus was his Redeemer, than would not Jesus have told him what else was needed? Of course He would have! But He didn’t. Christ’s response when the thief asked to be remembered in the Lord’s kingdom is pure freedom for doers and legalistic people. Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43).

Our good deeds will not save our souls. They were never meant to. If they could then why would Jesus have to die for our sins? Jesus made full recompense on our behalf. When we believe this truth our future in heaven is secured. Our works then become an outpouring of love and gratitude that bless the Father’s name instead of drawing attention to our own. This Easter season will you thank Jesus for His victory over sin and death? Believe and receive!

Your fellow sojourner and herald for Christ,


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