“It’s better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8).
Last Wednesday was one of those “wake-up call” moments when I learned I would be taking reduction in pay along with my work hours. Management advised us it was time for everyone to sacrifice and “take one for the team” in order to avoid downsizing of staff. Ironically, it was nearly two years ago that we began working unpaid overtime in order to keep our jobs after others were let go. Although I work for man God has once more confirmed I cannot place my trust in humans.
This cut back is not the result of a slowdown in business but a reaction to Wall Street’s projection on company stock earnings. The news stung as many of us felt betrayed by an employed we’d labored long and hard for. I am grateful no one lost their job and that I still have one. It wasn’t the loss of money I was upset about; it was the injustice of being treated so unfairly after working tirelessly for years. What a sad reflection of the values of corporate America.
In this time of economic uncertainty there have been many blessings to thank God for. One is that we have saved some money for a crisis such as this. I am more concerned about my co-workers who have not been as fortunate. There were times in my life I also lived paycheck to paycheck. It could happen again, but for now we are cutting back further on expenses and able to manage. We have a home, food to eat, and the ability to give to others in greater need. God is gracious to provide so much. He is great even when life is not!
The greatest blessing is the allotment of extra time to spend with my husband. We cherish each other’s company and are making the most of this situation. The last few mornings we have hiked in the state park up the road before work. Now that my day starts later we have this luxury when Jon’s schedule allows. As I breathe in the crisp morning air and watch the sunlight streaming through the misty speckled forest, I am struck by the beauty all around me. Slowly I relax and feel the Lord speaking to me on the trail and changing my perspective.
As I navigate the paths cluttered with fallen leaves sometimes I cannot see which way I should walk. More than once Jon has had to call me back if I am leading us astray. It’s easy to do when I’m relying on my own internal compass to get us through the wilderness instead of the signs provided for me. The trail markers are blue triangles. Sometimes they are close together and easily identifiable. Other times they are far apart. It takes a bit of faith to keep walking in the right direction until I see my next triangle.
Such is life. It’s easy to trek along without a care when our path is clear in the summer moments contrary to when it’s covered up by life’s debris in autumn. As I search for the blue triangle to keep me safe in the woods, Jesus is calling me to look to the Trinity for ultimate protection. He will never leave me stranded or change the rules about my future as my employer has done. The Father has a great adventure planned for His followers in heaven, and He helps us to endure life on earth now. What a wonderful God we love and serve!
Perhaps you are facing your own “wake-up call”. With each new challenge I pray you will join me in bringing your fears to Jesus where He can soothe and heal you. One day none of this will hurt anymore. The Lord will avenge all iniquities in this world. I am not bitter towards my employer even though I was angry last week. In the final analysis I know who I really work for, and He is not an oppressive employer. I pray you, too, have put your faith in Jesus instead of yourself or any other human to save you. “It’s better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8).
Your fellow sojourner,