Sunday, August 15, 2010

Because She Said Yes: Legacy of a Mentor

“One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4).

Like tiny fireflies lighting a dark forest path so, too, are the women who have been Christ’s lanterns in my life. In the eyes of others their seemingly small and insignificant expressions of faith were not unnoticed by Jesus. God spoke to me through these Christian women He placed in my circle as mentors and spiritual big sisters. Long before our lives were intertwined, they said yes to Jesus when He called them to be His daughter. They committed to sharing the Gospel with others. One day their legacy of blessing touched me; inviting me to pass the torch too.

For forty-two years I lived in the shadows drawn at times to God’s saving light, yet choosing to run away from grace. Mine was a faith of works—always seeking to perfect myself so God would love me. One-by-one these women of faith shared their struggles and the love and forgiveness Jesus offered. If I surrendered my heart and life to Him His Holy Spirit would live inside me. He would help change my ways—making me holy as He is holy. My flesh will always struggle against God’s standard of holiness, but forgiveness and mercy cover my confession and repentance.

They were living examples of what Christ could do in an obedient heart. Unlike me, their faces were not covered with shame when they stood in the light of His word. They willingly shared the peace inside their hearts that was available to me. Covering me in prayer and Scriptures, they interceded on my behalf. Their words and deeds were a twinkling light penetrating the darkness of my soul. One’s influence led me to my Savior; others help keep me near Him today.

Because they said yes to follow Christ and yes to being a servant, I have eternal life. What a mystery how God uses imperfect people to drawn us to His perfect Son. He doesn’t need us, yet He grants us this incredible honor of kingdom work. The legacy of blessing continues to grow, all for God’s glory. Because I said yes a book was written bearing the imprint of God’s life-changing love when all hope is gone; reaching people I do not know.

The magnitude of this used to terrify me. I never felt qualified to write such a story. But that’s the beauty of saying yes to God. He’s the author who speaks through our lives when we rely on His power to accomplish the task. My mentors didn’t save me. I cannot save anyone. Only the Holy Spirit can convince a sinful and contrite heart that Jesus is the Messiah. As believers of this truth, we are called to demonstrate to this generation the beauty of a life forever changed by Christ’s magnificent love.

God knows we need living examples of this love. The incarnate Christ Jesus was the exact representation of the Father. Although we are flawed, God’s light can eliminate a dark world through the cracked windows of our lives. What is your legacy? What are you saying yes to? Is it your own dreams, wants, needs and desires? Are you living for the excitement this life can bring but falling off an emotional cliff when the momentary euphoria has passed? It’s a lonely and unfulfilling life you’ve chosen, and one I used to live.

Change your course and follow Jesus! Say yes to His invitation today by confessing to Him that you know you are a sinner, there is nothing you can do to be “good enough” to enter heaven, and that you believe Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead. He has gone to heaven to prepare a place for you if only you will accept Him into your heart as your Redeemer. Then stand back in praise and adoration as He creates your legacy of blessing; His legacy of blessing. “One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4).

Your fellow sojourner,



  1. Beautiful post, sweet friend! Praise the Lord for mentors! Thank you for your comments on mine the other day! Thought about you yesterday--I did a trail run and loved every minute of it. Well, maybe not the extreme humidity!!
    Love you!

  2. Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing this.

  3. What great application of this verse. We need more good articles like this on mentoring. Would like to read your book. Care to trade? I have one on Proverbs.
