Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Answer to Why

"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever" Isaiah 40:8.

Why is a little word that often demands a big answer.

Why don't you write another book? Why did you take My Heart's Desire: A Journey Toward Finding Extravagant Love out of print this year? Why don't you pray and see what God wants you to do because I think you should publish more books? These are a few of the questions posed to me by well meaning friends and readers of my work. This post is my feeble attempt to answer why.

When my book was published in early 2009 I was a relatively new born again follower of Jesus Christ. What I lacked in maturity, biblical knowledge and discernment I made up for in enthusiasm. If someone was a popular author or speaker within Christian circles I automatically assumed they were the standard I should follow. I made the fatal mistake of equating Christian celebrity status with godly blessing. So when a book reviewer claimed my story was the next Purpose Driven Life I was flattered and put that quote on my book cover. I now regret this.

It wasn't simply that I wanted to completely disassociate from the words that linked me to the Emergent Church, Seeker Sensitive and Purpose Driven Life movement. I had the option of deleting the quote from my book cover and reprinting an edited version. As I spent more time in prayer and Bible study I saw how Holy and perfect God's Word is. I trembled in fear and amazement of its power to transform me into a image of His Son, imperfect as I am. I did not want to cheapen God's Words by giving His Scriptures twisted and new meanings as I saw many authors and speakers doing. It scared me to think how easily I could be lured away from Truth in search of earthly fame and fortune.

We do not know when Jesus will Rapture His true followers and initiate the Great Tribulation on this earth. But we clearly see how evil and desperate for peace this world has become. Everything is lining up for the Anti-Christ to take command as we witness more people who claim to be Christian cast aside sound biblical doctrine and stand in accord with false ministries worldwide. I praise the Holy Spirit for opening my eyes to this deception and pray to be found faithful and true to Christ alone in these end times.

The world doesn't need my book. I share my story as God opens up conversations with people to give Him the glory, not sell my book. I want to spend my remaining earthly life promoting the Bible and sharing the Gospel of saving grace by faith in Jesus Christ instead of self-promoting my latest musings or speaking engagements. I praise the Lord for helping me to write My Heart's Desire: A Journey Toward Finding Extravagant Love and pray that whoever read it will draw near to Jesus.

Follow the true biblical Jesus, not me. My words fade but His stands forever!    

Your fellow herald for Jesus Christ,
