"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it" (Isaiah 30:15).
Asked what top three things America values most was all too easy for me to answer--food, fame and fortune. Sadly, this pompous display of overeating, overspending and overindulgence has become the national symbol of holidays in our country.While I'm a huge fan of gathering with family and friends to share God's bounty and love I, too, struggle against the spirit that is attempting to hijack the season from it's rightful place. It's not a "thing" or a "day" that we are to celebrate, but a Person--Jesus our Redeemer.
How did we stray so far as a nation that many no longer realize Thanksgiving is a day to give God thanks for all He has blessed us with? It probably started slowly like any sinful rebellion that builds over time. It's Satan's oldest tactic. If he can get your mind off of God and onto yourself you are fair game for the spirit of this age to deceive you. When your belly is full, your houses overflowing with possessions, and your career is profitable and successful you're tempted to elevate yourself above God. Pride in yourself replaces praise offered to God.
Why is this time of year so stressful for our country? Because we have sought after earthly things that deplete us believing their attainment will complete us. You cannot buy peace with God through your good deeds. Heaven doesn't hold holiday sales. The free gift of eternal life is available everyday. This is good news, something to be truly thankful for! Have you accepted this incredible priceless gift through faith and trust in Jesus who died to set you free from hell? If not, how long will you persist in your obstinate ways? What will you be celebrating this Thanksgiving? Your achievements or His greatness? "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it" (Isaiah 30:15).
Your fellow herald for Jesus,