"Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality" (Romans 12:14).
"Enjoy your night of peaceful solitude" my husband stated as he left for work. With no friends closer than an hour's drive there hasn't been much socializing in our new home. I miss the ministry I had in Raleigh entertaining loved ones, international students at holidays, and hosting Bible studies. Even though we had only moved three hours away I felt lost, unused by God, and perpetually lonely. "What's the point of having this nice house if we can't share it?", I often bemoaned. Then a tearful phone call from a traumatized friend broke my rambling thoughts and offered me a chance to serve.
She was hours from her home and exhausted from stress. Her painful sobs broke my heart as I offered her safety in our house that night. It was out of her way to drive here, but if she was willing the door was open to her. What a privilege it is to offer what the Lord has entrusted us with to bless one of His children! Her voice grew calmer as she agreed to spend the night giving me a few hours to prepare for her arrival.
As I cleaned the guest room and prayed for her safe journey here, I thanked God for allowing me the chance to practice hospitality. I thought of all the people who welcomed Jesus into their homes when He traveled the earth in human flesh. Sometimes I long for the day when I'm cook for Jesus in my heavenly mansion and listen to the stories He'll share. Until then I'm God's girl on earth, His hostess, beseeching His Holy Spirit to grace our home.
My friend in need is also God's girl, but I would have welcomed her with the same enthusiasm even if she wasn't. Jesus put so many faithful Christians in my path that showed me His love through their kindness. I want to be a light that lead's the lost to Christ in repentance. A good meal and a peaceful night's sleep could be what He uses to reach a weary soul, and I want my house to be on His preferred list of destinations.
She left in the morning feeling rested and comforted even though her circumstances remain unaltered. Her grateful spirit thanked me endlessly, but it was I who thanked her for this gift of service. God answered both our prayers--mine for ministry and hers for refuge. What a loving and caring Father we have!
What has God given you that you can share with others? Above all our talents and possessions the greatest treasure we can share is the Gospel. Let us pray that our charity leads people to the Giver of life, the One who paid it all for our sins so we could live in the most hospitable house of all--heaven! "Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality" (Romans 12:14).
Your fellow herald for Christ,