“Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are
covered” (Psalm 32:1).
It’s Halloween and the season of disguises. Some are scary
others funny, but all carry the same theme of covering up our identities. As I prepare
to greet the revelry of trick or treaters that will parade by our doorstep
tonight I’m wearing a mask of my own. It’s not visible to the human eye, but my
Heavenly Father sees it because it’s written on my heart—I’m a pretender, a
fixer and a cover-up artist.
This morning a close friend shared a message that hit home
for me. She used the analogy of trying to hang a cross on her wall without
measuring the space it should fit. Inevitably she wound up with several holes
in her wall because she mixed her mark. As she placed the cross on the wall and
centered it to cover the holes she’d created an epiphany struck. Only Jesus can
cover our holes, our sins, with His cross of sacrifice and love. We can’t, but
oh how we try!
All October I attempted to fill the voids in my life with
things that didn’t alleviate the pain. I'd rush ahead of Jesus, anxious to check
off another item on my massive “to do” list. All this activity has rendered me
useless; left me depleted and disappointed. As a new homeowner I am patching up
physical holes on the walls of a previously owned house, a convenient
distraction for spiritual reflection. Those are not the holes I should be
concerned about. It’s my bad attitude, my unforgiving heart and whole litany of
sins that no amount of make-up or home decorating can remove. I
need help!
Why does it take me so long to realize that unconfessed sin
is my problem, and that the Lord is waiting for me to seek His grace and
forgiveness? Can you relate? After I read my girlfriend’s email I thanked God
for using her to convict me of the spiritual holes I was trying to repair in my
own strength. Then I asked the Holy Spirit to hear my confession and cover me
with the precious blood of the Lamb of God.
Jesus is more than a cover-up for our transgressions. He’s
the complete Remover and Eraser of sin and the Redeemer of our souls! No customs,
no gimmicks, no tricks. Only peace and grace and a host of treats await those
who knock on God’s door. Will you? “Blessed
is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered” (Psalm
Your fellow herald for Christ,